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Heat trading Dedmon, second-round pick to Spurs for tax relief, roster space

Heat trading Dedmon, second-round pick to Spurs for tax relief, roster space

The Miami Heat on Wednesday reached agreement to trade backup center Dewayne Dedmon and a 2028 second-round pick to the San Antonio Spurs for cash considerations. Among potential additions on the buyout market could be veteran power forward Serge Ibaka, who has been allowed to remain away from the Milwaukee Bucks until he is relocated. He then was suspended...

The Miami Heat on Wednesday reached agreement to trade backup center Dewayne Dedmon and a 2028 second-round pick to the San Antonio Spurs for cash considerations.

The deal has not been finalized, with the Heat declining comment.

The agreement, ahead of Thursday’s 3 p.m. NBA trading deadline, allows the Heat to clear two roster spots below the NBA luxury tax, one to replace Dedmon and another to fill what had been the team’s vacant roster spot on their 15-man roster.

Among the Heat’s options with the opened roster space is converting the two-way contract of undrafted rookie center Orlando Robinson to a standard deal, making him eligible to not only appear in each remaining games of the regular season once he returns from his thumb fracture, but also eligible for the playoffs.

The Heat then could utilize the remaining space gained under the luxury tax as part of another trade by Thursday’s deadline, or in the buyout market. Among potential additions on the buyout market could be veteran power forward Serge Ibaka, who has been allowed to remain away from the Milwaukee Bucks until he is relocated.

The Spurs were able to take on Dedmon’s contract because of their available salary-cap space, potentially to be immediately waived by San Antonio upon formal completion of the deal.

Dedmon has struggled this season in reserve of Bam Adebayo. He then was suspended one game by the Heat for conduct detrimental to the team after exchanging words with coach Erik Spoelstra during the Jan. 10 home victory over the Oklahoma City Thunder. He played only one game since, a 12-minute appearance in Saturday night’s road loss to the Bucks, when he was ineffective. Dedmon, 33, also has been dealing with ongoing plantar fasciitis in his left foot.

Dedmon likely would have remained out of the Heat rotation with second-year center Omer Yurtseven returning to contact work last week from his November ankle surgery.

Dedmon signed a two-year, $9 million free-agent contract with the Heat in the offseason, with only this season’s $4.7 million guaranteed. The non-guaranteed second season now likely will be bypassed, with Dedmon expected to return to free agency this summer.

Dedmon initially was signed by the Heat on April 8, 2021, after sitting out most of that season with a knee issue.

This story will be updated.


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