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'Love Is Blind' season 3 couple Matt and Colleen have finally moved in together after 2 years of marriage


"It's very hard to explain to people, 'yes, we got married, but we're not quite ready to move in together," Colleen said on the "Out of the Pods" podcast.

Matt Bolton and Colleen Reed on the "Love Is Blind" reunion.
Matt Bolton and Colleen Reed on the "Love Is Blind" reunion.
  • Colleen and Matt from "Love Is Blind" season three moved in together after two years of marriage.
  • Colleen told "Love Is Blind" alums Natalie Lee and Deepti Vempati it took time to "adapt" to each other.
  • Lee revealed she and Vempati knew other "Love Is Blind" couples that waited "even a year" to move in together.

"Love Is Blind" stars Colleen Reed and Matt Bolton, one of two season-three couples who made it to the altar, revealed that they've finally moved in together after two years of marriage. 

Reed and Bolton shared the news on Instagram, in a series of shots from what is presumably their new kitchen. 

When we last saw them at the "Love Is Blind" season three reunion, the pair had plans to move in within a few months filming, but ultimately delayed the merging of households.

Reed spoke about being married but living separately on a recent episode of "Out of the Pods," hosted by fellow "Love Is Blind" alums Natalie Lee and Deepti Vempati.

"Me and Matt are going to move in together in the next two weeks. We don't have the finances to buy, by any means, but we're going to rent in Dallas, and then that gives us time to really find the perfect home for what works for us," she told the hosts.

"We practically live together already. He basically stays at my place because it's closer to work," Colleen continued. "I don't think he's gone to his place, like in the past month, like, once. So I'm excited to live with him outside of a studio. I mean, if I can live with this man in a studio, then I can live with him, like, wherever, because I can't get away from him in these four walls."

Lee praised the couple for waiting. "I know that some people online were like, 'Oh, they don't live together yet. Is this a real relationship? But I really do commend you and Matt for waiting to move in together." 

"I think a lot of viewers don't know there are several couples across the 'Love is Blind' seasons who took a while to move in together, they just didn't put it out in the public," Lee added. "Deepti and I personally know couples who have not moved in together and waited, you know, even a year to move in together. "

Reed said that finances were only part of the reason they put a pause on cohabitating. 

"It's very hard to explain to people, 'Yes, we got married, but we're not quite ready to move in together," Reed said. "Yes, finances were part of it, but I hate that people think that's the only reason. There were definitely other factors. He lives in Fort Worth, I live in Dallas, and that is an hour away, so it was almost like a long-distance relationship a little bit."

Plus, Reed added, "To kind of adapt to now living with someone, it takes a while. It takes a second, and I didn't want to rush — both of us didn't want to rush — changing that, all of a sudden expediting that for other people. We're just going to do it our way. "

Insider has reached out to Reed and Bolton for comment. 

Read the original article on Insider

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