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Three foraging tips that will help you find edible and free plants in the wild


WILD food gatherers can have a field day at this time of year.

But you need to be sure what you are picking, so foragers should go armed with expert advice and a plant-identifying app.

We have three foraging tips that will help you find edible and free plants in the wild[/caption]

Better still, book a foraging workshop.

There are plenty at eventbrite.com, such as those from foragebox.co.uk.

Whet your wild food appetite with these rich pickings.

ELDERFLOWER: Blooming until late June, this creamy white flower grows in frothy clusters on elder trees, giving off a sweet smell.

Elderflower cordial is a special summer drink and is easy to make. Follow the recipe for it without citric acid on the blog at woodlandtrust.org.uk.

You can also gather information about responsible foraging on the site.

WILD GARLIC: With its distinctive smell when you crush its leaves, wild garlic can be spotted in woodland, damp areas or close to streams.

It has sword-shaped leaves and clusters of white, star-shaped flowers.

Although it has a milder taste than the usual garlic, its leaves can be used in similar ways in soups and salads, or made into a pesto or flavoured butter.

Search for wild garlic recipes, such as baked new potatoes with wilted wild garlic, at bbcgoodfood.com.

NETTLES: Fed up with being stung by rising food prices?

Forage for nettles instead. Head away from roads and places where dogs might have been or weedkillers could have been used.

The edible stingers are healthy, being high in vitamins A, C, and K.
You need thick gloves to cut off the top leaves from a nettle plant, which will be the most tender.

Nettles make the perfect substitute for spinach in meals and salads, as they even have a similar taste.

They can also be brewed to make herbal tea or stirred into soups.

And don’t worry, they lose their sting when cooked. Find nettle recipes including nettle pesto at totallywilduk.co.uk.

  • All prices on page correct at time of going to press. Deals and offers subject to availability

Deal of the day

This portable Gozney Roccbox oven costs just £319 before June 18

MAKE pizza with a portable Gozney Roccbox oven.

Order before June 18 and it will cost £319 instead of £399. And save 20 per cent on accessories at gozney.com.

SAVE: £80

Cheap treat

Ikea’s Elisabet throw is down from £19 to £9 in the store’s sale

KEEP Ikea’s Elisabet throw handy for chilly outdoor evenings. It’s down from £19 to £9 in the store’s sale.

SAVE: £10

What's new?

TK Maxx and charity Choose Love, which helps displaced children worldwide, have launched a summer clothing collection.

At least £4 from the sale of its £12.99 T-shirts will help the charity’s work.

Top swap

Not known, clear with picture desk
This strawberry picnic blanket from Oliver Bonas will set you back £65[/caption]
But H&M’s patterned blanket is just £14.99

IF you can’t quite stretch to the £65 strawberry picnic blanket from Oliver Bonas, H&M’s patterned blanket, £14.99, is also berry nice.

SAVE: £50.01

Leah's little helper

READY to give your home a refresh? Dip your brush into B&M’s new range of Turner & Gray paint, which costs £10 for a 2.5L can

Shop & save

You can save 30 per cent on Father’s Day gifts at emmabridgewater.co.uk

YOU can save 30 per cent on Father’s Day gifts at emmabridgewater.co.uk such as this blue star Daddy mug, down from £23 to £16.10

SAVE: £6.90

Hot right now

CO-OP members can save £2.90 when buying two selected Irresistible meals for £6, including lasagne and fish pie. Non-members pay £7.


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