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Remember Marianne Williamson? Now she wants to be DNC chair


Self-help author Marianne Williamson is setting her sights on the Democratic National Committee as candidates continue to throw their hats in the ring for the open leadership position.

Citing President-elect Donald Trump’s era of “political theater,” Williamson said in a statement that she intends to run for DNC chair in order to “reinvent the [Democratic] party from the inside out.”

Seemingly referencing her two failed presidential bids in 2020 and 2024, she said, “My experience of what went wrong has given me insight into what needs doing to make things right.”

While Williamson ran for president as a Democrat, she first ran for office as an independent in 2014 for California’s 33rd Congressional District. Despite receiving celebrity endorsements, she came in fourth that year.

The celeb-loved progressive is the first woman to jump in the race for DNC chair. So far, she is going up against Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, Minnesota Democratic Party Chair Ken Martin, Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair Ben Wikler, New York state Sen. James Skoufis, and former Maryland Senate candidate Robert Houton.

The election to replace current DNC Chair Jaime Harrison will take place on Feb. 1, 2025.

Williamson, who was once dubbed Oprah Winfrey’s “spiritual guru,” is known more for her motivational talks and self-help books than her political views. However, she caught media attention in the past with her claims that the U.S. really needed a “spiritual awakening.”

She has authored more than a dozen spirituality and self-help books, given motivational speeches, and previously led the Church of Today in Warren, Michigan. 

And as Democrats are scrambling to create and digest election postmortems, many party faithful are calling for internal changes to reach not just younger voters but their longtime base in the working class. 

Despite her losing record, Williamson is one candidate who can definitely be considered a “change.”

She has taken to Fox News in the past to slam today’s Democratic Party, blasting the “elite, smug, arrogant culture which acts like a suppressant on the voices of the party.”

Although her latest presidential bid was a flop, she appealed to disillusioned Democrats and Bernie Sanders supporters alike with her policies.  

But is Williamson’s California “woo woo” what the DNC needs? Even her own supporters say her attempt at ushering in a spiritual awakening is an “uphill battle.”

“I love you Marianne, forever, but I have to treat you like I treat my senile elders at this point and just pat your head and hold your hand. 🙏🏽,” one user wrote via X. 

Even Williamson saw this tweet, responding with a simple “😉.”

She had better hope someone out there is manifesting good election vibes for her.

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