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The New Trend Among Chinese College Students

The New Trend Among Chinese College Students

During the past year, the Chinese education landscape has undergone several important changes. With the rapid expansion of China's economy, a variety of factors have impacted the education landscape. These changes include: increasing interest in overseas study, increasing demand for higher education and growing economic integration. Despite the challenges, China continues to be a leading source of international students to the U.S. This trend is set to continue.

The Xi Jinping administration has put a large amount of resources into wooing Chinese-born graduates in finance and science. It also prioritizes the return of Chinese students who have left the country with foreign degrees. Despite these efforts, young Chinese are growing disillusioned. They are frustrated with the rising cost of living, conspicuous consumption, economic uncertainty and lack of opportunities. They are increasingly taking to social media to express their dissatisfaction.

A popular social media trend emerged last year. It was characterized by the phrase "lying flat." Unlike traditional Chinese culture, where a person is supposed to do a little bit of everything, young Chinese are rejecting all materialistic goals. They are refusing to do the bare minimum, but instead want to do great things. This new trend among Chinese college students is gaining popularity across China.

The trend began on elite university campuses in China. It then moved to second-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Many of these young Chinese are frustrated with the crushing hustle culture that characterized their lives. It also reflects backlash against a hypercompetitive work environment. The young Chinese are also turning away from materialistic goals such as having a house and a car. Instead, they want to pursue professional careers.

The "lying flat" trend has spread across social media and the internet. On Weibo, the hashtag "over-60 percent college students" has become one of the most popular search terms. An army of young people are taking to social media to express their discontent. An Oxford professor believes that this new trend among Chinese college students is a reaction to meaningless competitions.

A recent employment survey shows that 70 percent of college students born after 2000 are putting professional careers ahead of intimate relationships. They estimate that they will earn one million yuan per year within ten years after graduation. This trend will continue to intensify in the coming years, as the economy grows and the consumption power of the young generation rises. The government is also promoting programs that encourage easy credit and encourage domestic consumption. These policies have led to a growth in the number of young borrowers turning to online consumer finance providers.

In response to these trends, many online consumer finance providers have been targeting Chinese college students with high interest rates. The Chinese government has also introduced consumer finance pilot programs to encourage the use of credit cards and mobile payments. These programs were followed by the introduction of facial recognition technology in payment systems.

Many young Chinese are unable to afford the high prices of conspicuous consumption. They are also struggling to meet basic needs. They are frustrated with the growing gap between the social classes. The Xi Jinping administration has invested a large amount of resources into science and technology, but many young Chinese are frustrated with the growing cost of these programs.


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