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Qiuntex Bank opens new possibilities for its clients from February 1

Qiuntex Bank opens new possibilities for its clients from February 1

From February 1 Qiuntex Bank opens new opportunities for its own customers. Among the new services: opening accounts for personal and business customers, IBAN GB generation for UK customers and IBAN IE (Ireland) for EU customers.

What you should know about Qiuntex Bank Technology

Qiuntex Bank LTD was incorporated in London in June 2021. It was supposed that the launch of key features for customers - individuals and companies in Ukraine, EU countries and the U.S. - will occur in three stages, and up to the end of 2021 or early 2022 was officially planned to finalize the third stage. But last February's full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia made cardinal adjustments to the entire financial structure.

Throughout last year, Qiuntex Bank was one of those companies that joined in the large-scale volunteer activities in the early days of the invasion. The socially-oriented aspect of the business has become one of the company's core values on which all Qiuntex Bank communications are based.

Because of the war the Qiuntex Bank team had to close its Kiev office and evacuate to Europe in order to carry out its activities to the full extent and revise the company's plans for customer services.

However from February 1, 2023 Qiuntex Bank will open new client options, especially important for the full implementation of large financial transactions.

What services will Qiuntex Bank begin to offer:

1. account opening for personal and business customers

2. Generation of IBAN GB - for UK customers

3. IBAN IE generation - for clients from EU countries

Qiuntex Bank will also begin issuing Visa Business and Visa Personal bank cards in the second quarter of 2023.

Virtual IBANs are an alternative to standard IBANs and an easy way to make international payments, especially when it comes to electronic money or cryptocurrency.

In aggregate, Qiuntex Bank will begin the process of building a strong customer base and increasing business activity in Europe as of February 1. It is also worth noting how effectively the startup responded to the extreme situation in Ukraine and the economic turmoil in Europe.

What advantages it gives to Qiuntex Bank clients:

1. Prompt opening/closing of financial accounts;

2. Fast identification of client data in order to provide transfers of large amounts of funds for legal entities;

3. Minimization of errors in bank details;

4. Additional client bonuses, especially for clients with a large set of services.

Vladislav Zaporozhchenko, CEO Qiuntex Bank Technology 

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