
Hampshire Chess Association

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4NCL Online League Season 9 Round 7

Hampshire Chess Association 

Wessex teams in the 4NCL offer Hampshire players a great way to play competitive chess online. The new season of the Online 4NCL started on Tuesday and the Wessex teams were organised as usual by Keith Gregory. We thank Keith for continuing to organise Wessex teams and give so many players a great chance to ... Read more

Hampshire Chess Championship 1967

Hampshire Chess Association 

The 1967 Hampshire Individual Chess Championship was held in October or November 1966. 11 players entered in an all play all, although one player withdrew after five rounds. Marshall Thompson was making a return to chess and won with eight points from the ten rounds. Several strong local players took part, including Gosport’s John Jones, ... Read more

Hampshire Correspondence Team 2024

Hampshire Chess Association 

We have entered the Hampshire team for this seasons Counties & District Correspondence Chess Championship. The team, are ordered in ICCF rating. Last season we finished mid table in Division One. The 2023/24 tournament and games may be viewed from the following links, we will publish the 2024/25 links as soon as they become known. ... Read more

Dorset Tournaments 2024

Hampshire Chess Association 

Dorset have a rich history of providing great tournaments and Hampshire players have given strong support to these. The following are now open for entries – Dorset Centenary Chess Congress The Dorset Chess Association celebrated its centenary in 2023 and this is being marked with a large Chess Congress being held at the prestigious Carlton ... Read more

4NCL Online League Season 9 Round 6

Hampshire Chess Association 

Wessex teams in the 4NCL offer Hampshire players a great way to play competitive chess online. The new season of the Online 4NCL started on Tuesday and the Wessex teams were organised as usual by Keith Gregory. We thank Keith for continuing to organise Wessex teams and give so many players a great chance to ... Read more

Hampshire Rapidplay 2024

Hampshire Chess Association 

The Hampshire Rapidplay is a 6 round ECF Rated Rapid tournament with a time control of 15 minutes plus 10 seconds per move held at Barton Peveril 6th Form College, Eastleigh, SO50 5ZA on 7th September 2024. The tournament is limited to a maximum 100 entries. To enter this tournament, please use our entry form at https://form.jotform.com/240566851613357 ... Read more

U1850 ECF Counties Championship

Hampshire Chess Association 

The Hampshire County Team have entered a team in the U1850 ECF Counties Championship. We are scheduled to meet the winners of Yorkshire / Staffordshire in the quarter finals the weekend of 11th May 2024 (details to be confirmed). Eligibility for Hampshire players is being rated under 1850 on the September 2023 rating list. If you wish to ... Read more

1969 Hampshire Chess Championship

Hampshire Chess Association 

The 1969 Hampshire Individual Chess Championship (for the 1968 / 69 season) was held at Southampton University the two middle weekends of October 1968. There were five rounds each weekend, and the tournament was dominated by the young Seth Saverymuttu, who only dropped two draws from his ten games. The tournament included a number of ... Read more

4NCL Online League Season 9 Round 5

Hampshire Chess Association 

Wessex teams in the 4NCL offer Hampshire players a great way to play competitive chess online. The new season of the Online 4NCL started on Tuesday and the Wessex teams were organised as usual by Keith Gregory. We thank Keith for continuing to organise Wessex teams and give so many players a great chance to ... Read more

4NCL Online League Season 9 Round 4

Hampshire Chess Association 

Wessex teams in the 4NCL offer Hampshire players a great way to play competitive chess online. The new season of the Online 4NCL started on Tuesday and the Wessex teams were organised as usual by Keith Gregory. We thank Keith for continuing to organise Wessex teams and give so many players a great chance to ... Read more


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