
Kuwait Times

Kuwait Times

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Manpower Authority to recruit specialists

Kuwait Times 

KUWAIT: The Public Authority of Manpower (PAM) has reaffirmed its commitment to recruiting specialized labor with fitting academic qualifications, following the adoption of the Gulf Cooperation Council guide for classifying professions in all sectors. Specialized technical workers will not be hired from abroad unless their academic qualifications match the requirements of the professions they are …

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24 drug suspects arrested; Narcotic substances seized

Kuwait Times 

KUWAIT: Officials from the Ministry of Interior have arrested 24 people of different nationalities for drug-related cases. About 16 kilograms of various narcotic substances and 10,000 pills of psychotropic substances were also seized. The ministry said in a press release that these seizures come as a continuation of the efforts of the criminal department in …

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MoH uses robot device to perform rare operations

Kuwait Times 

KUWAIT: The Kuwait Ministry of Health (MoH) revealed on Saturday the use of the world’s newest surgical robot device in performing an operation to remove a prostate from a patient suffering from a cancerous tumor. The MoH said in a statement that the robot (Da Vinci Xi) was used in the operation conducted last Wednesday …

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KRCS offers urgent aid to Palestinians

Kuwait Times 

GAZA: The Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) carried on providing urgent aid to Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip amid the ongoing campaign dubbed “Kuwait besides you.” KRCS said in a statement that it has provided meals, bread, and the second batch of medical supplies to hospitals in Gaza. The campaign comes amid a death …

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Social media’s role in modeling human behavior, societies

Kuwait Times 

By Ghadeer Ghloum KUWAIT: The extent of the power of social media on societies and individuals, especially after the revolution of smartphones and wide spread of multiple social media platforms, is no secret today. Now, almost every individual can open their own page or channel and broadcast through it whatever they perceive, which holds the …

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Kuwait echoes support for UN efforts to promote rule of law

Kuwait Times 

NEW YORK: Kuwait reiterated its full support for UN efforts to promote the rule of law principle, which pushes forward all national, regional, and international endeavors for a secure, stable, and prosperous world. This came in a speech delivered by Kuwait’s diplomatic attaché Abdullah Al-Harbi during a meeting of the Sixth Committee of the UN …

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Kuwait stands with Palestinians, world must react: Crown Prince

Kuwait Times 

RIYADH: Representative of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, said that Kuwait stood in solidarity with the Palestinians, namely the people of the Gaza Strip, who are suffering from a brutal assault from the Zionist occupation. Delivering a speech at the GCC-ASEAN Summit …

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Kuwait, Arabs seek end to Gaza bombardments

Kuwait Times 

KUWAIT: Kuwait Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Salem Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received a phone call from Portuguese Foreign Minister Joao Titterington Gomes Cravinho. Sheikh Salem asserted during the phone call the importance of ending the cycle of violence and ensuring such violence would not spread to other areas, including the protection of civilians. The two …

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MTV cancels Europe Music Awards over Israel-Gaza war

Kuwait Times 

MTV cancelled on Thursday its Europe Music Awards ceremony, due to be held in Paris on November 5, citing the “devastating events” taking place in Gaza. “As we watch the devastating events in Gaza continue to unfold, this does not feel like a moment for a global celebration,” the organizers said in a statement. “With …

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France shock women’s rugby world champions N Zealand

Kuwait Times 

WELLINGTON: France used a watertight defense to stun world champions New Zealand 18-17 in a surprise result at the WXV1 top-tier women’s rugby tournament in Wellington on Saturday. The French claimed an early lead and defended it bravely, making more than 200 tackles to snatch a first-ever win over the Black Ferns on New Zealand …

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Оззи Осборн

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