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Caleb Williams Is Inching Closer To An Unfathomable NFL Record


Nobody would blame Caleb Williams for having a terrible year. He’s in the middle of a dumpster fire situation. Both his offensive coordinator and head coach were fired in the middle of the season. The Chicago Bears‘ offensive line has allowed him to get sacked 56 times with four games still to play. It is a complete mess. Yet, despite that, the #1 overall pick has persevered for a frankly decent season. If his current trajectory holds, he is projected to finish with 3,590 yards passing, 529 rushing, 20 touchdown passes, and six interceptions.

Forget the best rookie passing season. That would qualify as the sixth-best season ever in franchise history for somebody who started at least 12 games. Remember that the other five guys ahead of them were either in their 30s or playing on the best team this franchise has fielded in the past decade (2018). That Williams is accomplishing this is beyond encouraging for his future. That is before you note something else. People haven’t yet noticed that the rookie is slowly inching closer to an NFL record people thought was untouchable.

The most consecutive passes without an interception.

Williams already broke the rookie record of 212 straight passes set by Kyler Murray. He now sits at 255 and counting. That puts him 157 away from Aaron Rodgers’ immaculate run of 402 straight passes with no interception, which Eddie Jackson ironically ended in the 2018 season finale that sent the Bears to the playoffs. It seems incredible to think a rookie is anywhere close to this accomplishment. According to interim coach Thomas Brown, what makes it more impressive is that Williams isn’t doing it by being cautious.

“I would say that [he is throwing a lot of passes] and also he’s not playing scared. He’s ripping some footballs into tight windows. I think it’s probably even more impressive. It’s not like he’s sitting back there not taking an opportunity. [He’s] taking chances down the field.

We always talk about trying to find ways to be aggressive, not reckless. There is a fine line between the two of them. I think his progression when it comes to understanding the offense operation-wise, but also just let it rip, has been positive for us.”

Caleb Williams is a good coach away from special things.

Most quarterbacks dropped into this situation would’ve crumbled by now. Peyton Manning had a way better situation around him in 1998 and threw 28 interceptions. Alex Smith had similar chaos around him in San Francisco and was a complete mess for years. That should tell you a lot about both Caleb Williams’ talent and his mental fortitude. If the Bears can finally pick a solid head coach for once and fortify the offensive line, it isn’t crazy to think he’ll make a serious leap in 2025. Will he break Rodgers’ record? That feels unlikely. The Bears play four well-coached defenses down the stretch. The odds of him navigating that without an interception are long. He needs to average just over 39 passes per game to break it this year. Otherwise, Bears fans may have to wait until next September.

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