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How I will make Kogi Holland of Nigeria - Governor Bello reveals


- Governor Yahaya Bello declared that Kogi will be the Holland of Nigeria where every other state in the country will come and buy milk and other dairy products

- Governor Bello said youths and women of the state will learn how to breed and keep the cows as well

- He said the federal government and international agencies are bringing money to support livestock production in the state

Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi state on Friday, January 26, promised to make the state the Holland of Nigeria in terms of dairy milk production and other livestock products for other states to patronise.

Daily Trust reports that Bello made the promise at the state agriculture summit, titled: “Moving Agriculture To The Next Level.’’

According to him, ''In Holland, everyone knows that Holland produce more than a quarter of dairy milk and meats for Europe and America.

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''Kogi will be the Holland of Nigeria where every other state in Nigeria will come and buy milk and other dairy products.

''They will also buy meat, hides and skin, bones, horns and even cow faeces for manure, which will translate into cash for our people. We are looking for opportunities to make money for our people.

''If you have a parcel of land that you are not using, what will happen is that the pastoralists will come and you rent it to them for money. Our youths and women will learn how to breed and keep these cows as well.

''And what will happen is that we shall have hire cross breed cows that will produce more milk and high quality meats where other states can come and buy. They said I am friend to Fulani herdsmen and hate farmers, but they are all falsehood on the pages of newspapers and television.

''We are telling the people that we are tolerant in Kogi, we love our neighbours and seizing and maximising the best of every opportunity.

''Very soon we will tell our Fulani brothers not to take their cows across border to sell again. We will ask them to drop their cows in Kogi, and we will rent your land to them to stay. A land where people can come and buy, pay tax to government and they will settle the land owners.

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''That your land that is there and not generating anything will become a hot cake. These are the various benefits we will derive from our coexistence with Fulani herdsmen.

''This is the way we are going to go; in the next six months we shall begin to see the economy of Kogi transforming very rapidly.

''The federal government and international agencies are bringing money, grants to Kogi to support livestock production, including keeping these cows in form of ranches in one particular area with facilities called ‘cattle colonies.''

The governor restated his determination to support President Muhammadu Buhari in implementing his manifestos as far as revolutionary in agriculture was concerned.

Meanwhile, NAIJ.com had reported that the traditional ruler of Lokoja Alhaji Muhammed Maikarfi described those who stoned the governor Bello recently as attacking God.

The governor was attacked on Friday, August 26, 2016, shortly after the Jumat prayer in Lokoja, the state capital.

The governor, in his reaction, said the real reason for the attack was the discontent of those who are against his radical reforms in the state’s civil service.

Bello said he was convinced that thugs were hired by his political enemies who are pursuing personal interests.

Victims of Herdsmen killing buried in Benue State - on NAIJ.com TV:

Source: Naija.ng

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