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The house and cars of Ariana Grande✨ (photos)


Unless you have been living under a rock all this time, chances are, you have heard of Ariana Grande. This young and successful actress and musician has taken the world by storm. If you are curious to learn a little bit more about her, then we will tell you about her house, car and net worth. This is going to be fun!

Who is Ariana Grande?

If the name Ariana Grande does not ring a bell, here are some things you should know about her:

  • Ariana Grande-Butera was born on June 26, 1993 in Boca Raton, Florida, United States.
  • Before going into the world of show business, she used to star in children’s theatre plays and musicals.
  • Her breakthrough happened in 2009, when Ariana starred as Cat Valentine on the popular Nickelodeon show Victorious.
  • Along with her acting career, Ariana worked on her singing career. In 2011, she released her first single. Two years later, she gave the world her first album Yours Truly.
  • Since then, she has released two more albums, gained a whole lot of popularity and numerous first spots on the charts. Ariana has toured the world several times and now has millions of followers on her social media (@ArianaGrande on all major social networks).

Now that you know a little bit more about her, let’s talk money. Literally.

Ariana Grande net worth

At the young age of 24, Ariana is living her best life that most people her age (or even much older) could only dream of. Her albums sell out like hot cakes, her fans cannot get enough of her music, and her tour venues are always jam-packed with devoted fans.

Indeed, if you look at her net worth, you will probably not be surprised that it is an eight-figure. That is right, Ariana Grande’s net worth is $45 million dollars (according to TheRichest and other sources).

Even though all of her albums went platinum in several places, most of her income comes to her during tours. The tickets to her concerts are far from cheap, yet most of them are gone in minutes after she announces them.

Ariana also gains some cash through her endorsement deals and royalties. Her latest deal was with Reebok, and before that, she worked with MAC cosmetics, Guess, Wat-AAh and many others. A significant chunk of income comes to her through her merchandise. And let’s not forget that she probably still has that Nickelodeon money.

However, as many other artists of her calibre, Grande does not spend it all on herself. She is involved in various charities (and has been since she was ten years old) and performs at charity events aimed at attracting attention to the issues and gathering funds to solve them. She is a proud LGBTQ supporter and promoter of animal adoption.

All that said, Ariana still enjoys spending money on herself every now and again. Continue reading to see the beautiful pictures of her house and cars.

Ariana Grande house

When you are as big as Ariana Grande is, you have to live big (it is a rule!). Since she sold her house in her hometown of Boca Raton, she has moved to the fabulous Beverly Hills, where she has an enormous hilltop mansion with a stunning view. Her secluded house on a hill occupies almost 1,900 metres and it is surrounded by beautiful scenery.

The house has five bedrooms, five bathrooms and a nice little pool right in front of it. In addition to that, according to the description of her property, she also has a private walkway to the gardens and a private driveway.

The interior of the house is certainly fit for such a star as Ariana. Everywhere your eyes can see, everything looks gorgeous and expensive. Most floors are made out of wood or marble, and the whole house is done in shades of beige.

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All bedrooms (and even some of the bathrooms) have French windows with the view on the pool and beyond. Each room is spacious and has its own personal style, and if it is on the second floor, it also has a balcony.

The view from the pool must be absolutely amazing, as the house is located pretty high up on the hill, so one can enjoy the lush greenery and rolling hills on the horizon.

The pool is also surrounded with a deck, where people can relax and enjoy themselves after a nice swim or soak in the built-in pool hot tub. You can find even more photos here.

Ariana Grande cars

Taking into account how big Ariana Grande is in terms of popularity, we were quite surprised to find out that she mostly uses only one car. She has been seen numerous times in her beautiful snow-white Range Rover, which she either drives herself or gives over to her driver(s).

Even though most sources claim that it is the only car she owns, Ariana has also been seen driving a similarly coloured white Mercedes E Class Cabriolet. We are sensing a running theme here!

Apart from these two vehicles, it does not seem like Grande is all that interested in cars. One time, she got herself in a nasty accident, and it might have turned her away from driving or getting any more cars. But who knows, maybe she is hiding a whole fleet of cars under that mansion of hers!

After all is said and done, Ariana Grande is a very talented singer and actress, no matter how much money, cars or houses she has. She is beautiful and kind-hearted, so nothing else matters. We hope to hear more music from her soon and to see her in a venue near us!

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Source: Naija.ng

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