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Jubilation as Oba of Benin promises Libyan returnees 3-month salaries each


- Oba Ewuare II of Benin hosted returnees from Libya in his palace

- Oba Ewuare promises to pay the returnees three months salaries each

- He pleads with well-meaning people to support the efforts to rid Edo state of crime

Oba Ewuare II of Benin has placed each returnees from Libya, on three months salaries, as confirmed by a statement signed by his chief press secretary,Desmond Agbama, in the ancient city on Thursday, March 29, 2018.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Oba Ewuare, announced this when he hosted the Libyan returnees in his palace.

The report said apart from the allowances, the statement added that the Oba Ewuare Foundation would provide the necessary tools/facilities for those who had gone through the various skills acquisition programmes.

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The monarch expressed disappointment over the mentality of the Nigerian youth with the quest to make quick money without legitimate means.

He urged youths to embrace agriculture and other legal businesses to excel.

According to the statement, the monarch frowned at the attitude of some parents who encouraged illegal migration via sea and desert, stressing that the palace would employ all traditional means to eradicate the scourge.

The report said Oba Ewuare was full of praises for the Benin ancestors and for steps taken so far to curb the menace of human trafficking and wave of crime in Edo state.

He called for concerted efforts of everyone to win the fight against the inhuman acts.

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It was learnt that the leader of the returnees, Vincent David, told the monarch that they were at the palace to seek assistance for tools to enable them start up lives after acquiring the necessary skills from the government.

David and other returnees further praised Oba Ewuare for deploying traditional means to rescue trafficked victims from their slave masters.

NAIJ.com earlier reported that His Royal Majesty, Oba Ewuare II, on Saturday, April 8, received two tortoises said to be 117 years old.

It was reported that the tortoises were presented to the Oba as gift by traditional rulers in the Edo North senatorial district when he visited them.

Mass deportation: Tales of woes from Libya - on NAIJ.com TV

Source: Naija.ng

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