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Новости за 11.05.2018

Pompeo: US will help make NKorea rich if it disarms

Yahoo! News 

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Friday that if North Korea agrees to surrender its nuclear arsenal, Washington will work with Pyongyang to rebuild its tiny economy. "If North Korea takes bold action to quickly denuclearize, the United States is prepared to work with North Korea to achieve prosperity on par with our South Korean friends," he said. Pompeo was speaking after talks with his South Korean opposite number Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha to prepare for a historic June 12 summit... Читать дальше...

Haney vs Menard: Live coverage, 10 pm ET

Bad Left Hook 

ShoBox returns with a quadrupleheader tonight from Philadelphia.

Tonight at 10:00 pm ET on Showtime, live from 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, ShoBox: The New Generation returns with a four-fight bill headlined by a 10-round lightweight bout between Devin Haney and Mason Menard.

Haney (19-0, 12 KO) is a blue chip prospect, but he’s taking on a big step up in competition against Menard (33-2, 24 KO), a ShoBox veteran with power and experience. It’s the type of fight ShoBox is made to feature, and a welcome main event for the series.

Europe can survive JCPOA; EU makes systemic efforts to reduce dependence on US


TEHRAN, May 12 (MNA) – Research Director of International Business at the India, China & America Institute Dr. Dan Steinbock underlined that EU has begun putting new emphasis on enhancing European defense cooperation and concluding trade agreements with other countries and regions which can be seen as systemic efforts to reduce EU dependence on the US.

Here's Who Will Play for the Stanley Cup

VICE.com (sports) 

Down Goes Brown previews Capitals-Lightning and Jets-Golden Knights and predicts which teams will meet in the Stanley Cup Final.

News of the day from around the nation, May 11

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

1 Child marriage: Delaware has become the first state in the nation to completely ban marriage for anyone under 18. Democratic Gov. John Carney this week signed into law the measure that makes it illegal for minors to get married, even if their parents approve. Previously, anyone could get married in the state at any age with a judge’s approval. Supporters say the bill is an important step to protect children from being forced to marry someone against their will, citing human trafficking. 2 Baby names... Читать дальше...

Legal eagles. Neighbours from hell (13 replies)

Small Heath Alliance 

Question on behalf of someone I know. Whom I feel very sorry for...Said person has bought her house, next door is let out.

New neighbours moved in, and they are absolute animals. Beer bottles, settee on front garden, it's got to a point where fights are happening and neighbour has actually become violent and damaged front door of person I know when challenged over noise.

They smoke weed all day, music blarring late at night.

Where would you stand as an owner being forced out of your house. Читать дальше...

Ex-employee charged with child abuse for school 'fight club'

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A former employee of a Utah residential youth treatment facility is being accused of assaulting a 16-year-old boy as part of an unofficial "fight club" at the school. The Utah County attorney's office said Friday that 21-year-old Misifoa Tautofi Seui Matagi hit the teenager at the Provo Canyon School in December. He faces one count of felony child abuse. Charging documents allege the assault was part of an unofficial club where students and staff would punch each other in the chest. Читать дальше...

Josh Allen thrown for loss (of words) at meeting Jim Kelly - FOXSports.com

Sports - Google News (us) 


Josh Allen thrown for loss (of words) at meeting Jim Kelly
ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (AP) Rookie quarterback Josh Allen says the only time he became rattled during his first Buffalo Bills practice was when he was introduced to Hall of Famer Jim Kelly. The first-round draft pick says Friday he was ”shaking” while ...
Josh Allen After Meeting Jim Kelly at Bills Practice: 'I'm Shaking Right Now'Bleacher Report
Bills Notebook: Dozen undrafted... Читать дальше...

Art and culture flourished under the Japanese warlord Oda Nobunaga in the 16th century

Modern Tokyo Times 

Art and culture flourished under the Japanese warlord Oda Nobunaga in the 16th century Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The warlord Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582) was extremely multi-dimensional despite his harsh reputation. This single figure in Japanese history laid the foundation stone for the centralization of Japan based on his tenacity, creativity, openness to new […]

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Caitlyn Jenner Reveals She Considered Suicide Amid Transition Surgery

International Business Times 

While some fans were shocked when Caitlyn Jenner revealed she was transitioning into a woman in 2015, many did not know that months prior to her big announcement, she struggled with suicidal thoughts while attempting to keep her gender identity a secret. During an appearance on Channel 4 News, the reality star opened up about contemplating suicide due to all of the media attention she received at the time, speculating about her transition. The 68-year-old, who was born Bruce Jenner, first shared... Читать дальше...

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Rafa Nadal's record run on clay ended by Dominic Thiem in Madrid Open quarter-finals - Telegraph.co.uk

Sports - Google News (uk) 


Rafa Nadal's record run on clay ended by Dominic Thiem in Madrid Open quarter-finals
One of the most dominant sequences in modern tennis came to an end when Rafael Nadal was beaten in the quarter-finals of the Mutua Madrid Open on Friday. He was going for his 26th straight win on clay. The man who stopped Nadal's roll was Dominic ...
Rafael Nadal OUT of Madrid Open as Dominic Thiem stuns world No 1 in quarter-finalsExpress.co.uk
Dominic... Читать дальше...

Whirlwind start for new BG women's basketball coach Fralick

The Toledo Blade 

BOWLING GREEN — It has been a little more than a month since Robyn Fralick took over as the new women’s basketball coach at Bowling Green State University, but her focus has been on three things: meeting current players, hiring staff, and recruiting new players.


Мировая премьера концерта – симфонии «Русскому Донбассу» состоялась в Чите

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Сергей Собянин поздравил жителей Москвы с Днем народного единства

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