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Новости за 26.08.2018

McDonald’s August bank holiday opening times – what are its Monday opening hours?


THOUGH there are many positives to bank holidays, there’s no denying the inconvenience of changes to opening hours. But if you find yourself yearning for a Big Mac or craving a box of Chicken McNuggets to cure your hangover, fear not! Here are the opening times worth making note of… Is McDonald’s open on the […]

The Northern Trust: Behind the Scenes at Start to PGA Tour’s FedEx Cup Playoffs

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

The Northern Trust, which is the official start to the PGA Tour’s FedEx Cup Playoffs, teed off at New Jersey’s Ridgewood Country Club on Thursday. TheWrap showed up the following day with some excellent access, and this orange-capped speck in Tiger Woods’ massive gallery has some stuff to tell you about. Read the full article on The Wrap

Spanish football


Football in Europe

Statistics : 4090 Replies || 126527 Views Last post by FCBayernMunchen

Matalan, Primark and Debenham’s bank holiday opening hours – what are the stores’ August 2018 bank holiday Monday opening times?


WITH rain and winter approaching, you may be starting to rethink your wardrobe for spring and even summer! And what better time to go shopping than on the long bank holiday weekend? Here are the August bank holiday opening times for Debenhams, Matalan and Primark… Is Debenhams open on bank holiday Monday? Most Debenhams stores […]

To the editor: Fair gripes with Trump's policies

The Toledo Blade 

Marc A. Thiessen’s recent column suggested that bigotry is the main reason for President Trump’s low approval rating and that, otherwise, his policies are great for the country (Aug. 17, “Trump’s failure to condemn alt-right bigots tars his presidency”).

Liverpool on top, Boly's handball and Rafa's tactics: 10 talking points from the Premier League weekend - Mirror.co.uk

Sports - Google News (uk) 


Liverpool on top, Boly's handball and Rafa's tactics: 10 talking points from the Premier League weekend
There were 26 goals across the nine Premier League matches played over the weekend, as the season continues to take shape. Liverpool, Chelsea and Watford still boast 100 per cent records after their respective wins, while champions Manchester City met ...
Premier League goals: Chelsea, Fulham and WatfordSkySports
Chelsea scrap to win over Newcastle... Читать дальше...

[Women's Soccer] Women's Soccer Earns 1st Win of Year

Doane (Nebraska) Tigers 

Doane Women's Soccer picked up their first win of the season with a 2-1 victory at McPherson College on Sunday afternoon. The Tigers improved to 1-2 on the season after the opening week of play.

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BTS sends message of carpe diem through festive mood of 'Idol'

Yonhap News Agency (en) 

By Park Boram SEOUL, Aug. 26 (Yonhap) -- As top K-pop stars BTS bring their "Love Yourself" album series to an end with their fourth and final record under the theme, the boy band wanted to send out the message of carpe diem through the festivities fe

Breaking: APC wins all 27 local government areas in Imo election

NAIJ.COM (Nigeria News) 

Ethelbert Ibubuchi said under the councillorship positions held in 645 wards APC won in 636, while in four wards were won each by Accord party, 1, Rebuild Nigeria Party, 1, Peoples Redemption Party, 1, PRP, and KOWA party, 1.

Arsenal should have not given Ozil a new contract- Paolo Di Canio

Arsenal News 

Serie A legend Paolo Di Canio has expressed his view that Arsenal should have not given Mesut Ozil a new contract. Ozil has had a difficult past few months. He had a poor World Cup with Germany as the 2014 Champions were eliminated during the group stage of the 2018 tournament. After the tournament in Russia, he went on to accuse the German football federation of racism and retired from international football. Ozil was criticized prior to the World Cup after posing with controversial Turkish leader Erdogan. Читать дальше...


Древнее искусство исцеления возрождается: мануальная терапия с Искандером Касимовым

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