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Новости за 26.08.2018

US OPEN '18: From Sloane & Serena to new roof, what to know

USATODAY (Sports Top Stories) 

Sloane Stephens' first Grand Slam title defense, Serena Williams' return to New York and the reunion of the Big Four in the men's game are among the top story lines heading into the U.S. Open

Beach Bums Drop Slugfest in Schaumburg in Final Road Game

OurSports Central - Frontier League 

SCHAUMBURG, IL - The Traverse City Beach Bums'(41-48) and Schaumburg Boomers(44-46) combined for 33 runs and 37 hits, but it was the Boomers taking to... - FL Traverse City Beach Bums

18 things you should always throw away before you move


Moving can be expensive and exhausting, but there are ways to make it a little easier. You can use apps designed to help keep track of your things and that will find the best moving rates. You can rent reusable plastic bins instead of collecting cardboard boxes. But more importantly, you can minimize the headache by minimizing the amount of stuff you have to schlep in the first place.

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[Football] Football Runs Away from Friends

Doane (Nebraska) Tigers 

Doane Football opened the 2018 season in impressive fashion as they defeated Friends University, 57-3. The point total was the most for Doane in a season opener since 2002 when the Tigers put up the same score against Peru State. Doane has scored over 30 points in the last four season openers.

Is there room for Dez Bryant on Patriots after Eric Decker's retirement? - Yahoo Sports

Sports - Google News (us) 

Yahoo Sports

Is there room for Dez Bryant on Patriots after Eric Decker's retirement?
Yahoo Sports
It just wasn't happening for Eric Decker with the New England Patriots. The reports on Decker through camp weren't positive, and it seemed like at age 31 he was at the end of the line. Decker made it official on Sunday, retiring after an eight-year ...
Eight-year NFL veteran Eric Decker announces his retirement from NFLCBSSports.com
Eric Decker is done with... Читать дальше...

Texas governor says Harvey didn’t wreck city’s spirit

The Seattle Times 

ROCKPORT, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says Hurricane Harvey did not destroy the spirit of the residents living in the Gulf Coast city where the storm made landfall last year. Abbott spoke Sunday during a church service in Rockport that marked the anniversary. Harvey’s 130 mph (210 kph) winds destroyed 30 percent of […]

Texas governor says Harvey didn't wreck city's spirit

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

ROCKPORT, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says Hurricane Harvey did not destroy the spirit of the residents living in the Gulf Coast city where the storm made landfall last year. Abbott spoke Sunday during a church service in Rockport that marked the anniversary. Harvey's 130 mph (210 kph) winds destroyed 30 percent of the buildings in coastal Rockport when it made landfall as a powerful Category 4 storm on Aug. 25, 2017. First Baptist Church, where Abbott spoke, had been severely damaged. The... Читать дальше...

Otters Fall in Rubber Match to Rascals

OurSports Central - Frontier League 

EVANSVILLE, Ind. - The Evansville Otters could not overcome a slow start as they dropped the series finale to the River City Rascals 9-4 on Sunday aft... - FL Evansville Otters

Chiefs Reach Double Digits with 10-2 win

OurSports Central - Midwest League 

Peoria, IL - The Peoria Chiefs used two big innings to beat the Beloit Snappers 10-2 on Sunday afternoon. The win moves the Chiefs to 75-57 on the sea... - MWL Peoria Chiefs

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RailRiders drop Second Straight Ballgame to IronPigs, 5-3

Scranton Wilkes-Barre Red Barons 

The Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders fell for a second straight ballgame to the Lehigh Valley IronPigs, with Sunday marking a 5-3 loss one day after the IronPigs secured the I.L. North Division title.

Good’s injury may complicate Colts’ right tackle competition


INDIANAPOLIS — Denzelle Good’s knee injury could complicate the Indianapolis Colts’ decision at right tackle. Coach Frank Reich says the fourth-year player who finished last season and opened training camp as the starter will not play Thursday at Cincinnati and could miss several additional weeks. Good left Saturday’s game after just 25 plays. With Good


Актерское агентство Киноактер. Актерское агентство в Москве.

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Собянин подвел итоги ежегодной акции «Ночь искусств» в Москве

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Сергей Брановицкий

Актерское агентство Киноактер. Актерское агентство в Москве.

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

«Торпедо» одолело московское «Динамо» благодаря голу Мисникова в буллитной серии

"Торпедо" - "Динамо Москва" 4 ноября: где смотреть трансляцию матча

Новый вирус Коксаки: воронежские санитарные врачи напомнили о важности мытья детских рук


Карен Хачанов снялся с турнира категории ATP-250 в Метце

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