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Новости за 01.12.2018

In inaugural speech, Mexico’s Lopez Obrador promises radical change


By Lizbeth Diaz and Anthony Esposito MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Veteran leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador was sworn in as Mexican president on Saturday, promising a radical change of regime in a country struggling with gang violence, chronic poverty and corruption on the doorstep of the United States. Backed by a giant Mexican flag, the 65-year-old took the oath of office in Mexico's lower house of Congress, saying his administration would overturn what he called the disastrous legacy of decades of "neo-liberal" governments. Читать дальше...

Saudi Crown Prince will visit Algeria from Sunday – APS


CAIRO (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will visit Algeria from Sunday on a two-day official visit, Algeria's Press Service reported on Saturday citing a statement from the Algerian presidency. The statement said the visit would aim to consolidate relations between the two countries and open opportunities to expand trade. Prince Mohammed, who was in Argentina on Saturday attending a G20 summit of major economies, toured Arab states last week building regional support... Читать дальше...

Jota or Adams

Small Heath Alliance 

If we had to sell one in Jan to escape EFL sanction which one should it be ??

Iluka resumes operations at Sierra Leone rutile mine as strike ends


FREETOWN (Reuters) - Mineral sands miner Iluka Resources resumed operations at its Sierra Leone project, Sierra Rutile, on Friday, after workers ended a strike that had stalled work for the last eight days, a senior union official told Reuters. The strike was the second in the past month to hit Sierra Rutile, one of Sierra Leone's largest companies, following a week-long stoppage in October that led Iluka to cut its output forecast of rutile, which is used to make white pigment and titanium metal. Читать дальше...

Saudi prince was in constant touch with Khashoggi hit-squad boss: Report

Business Standard 

In the hours leading up to journalist Jamal Khashoggi's brutal killing, Saudi Arabia's crown prince sent at least 11 messages to his closest advisor who was charged with overseeing the murder, the Wall Street Journal said Saturday quoting a CIA assessment. Mohammed bin Salman also told associates in August last year that if he failed to persuade Khashoggi to return to Saudi Arabia, "we could possibly lure him outside Saudi Arabia and make arrangements" -- a communication the Central Intelligence... Читать дальше...

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Seton Hall’s offense goes quiet late in ugly loss to Louisville

New York Post 

Prosperity was fleeting. Just like that 12-point first half lead. Seton Hall couldn’t build off its Wooden Legacy title last weekend, coughing up a big early lead and failing to execute in the final minutes of a bitterly disappointing, 70-65 loss to Louisville at Prudential Center on Saturday afternoon. A win over a quality opponent...

Erdogan offers Putin new meeting on Idlib as Sochi agreement falls apart


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan offered Russian President Vladimir Putin to call another summit on Syria’s Idlib. “I would like to mention the recently held summit on Idlib, which took place in Istanbul with the participation of four interested countries (Russia, Turkey, France and Germany). During it, we discussed the steps needed to be taken […]

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НО «Отечественная коллегия адвокатов» – профессиональная помощь в разрешении семейных споров

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