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Новости за 18.12.2018

General Chat • Re: Samu Saiz

Marching On Together 

Must admit I put off going to the dentist until a filling fell out. Absolutely great though and a lot cheaper than the uk. Couldn't really communicate with the dentist though even though he'd studied in America and spoke English. Trying to explain I wanted white filling instead of the metal ones was a challenge - only to find out they only do the white ones in Spain!

Replays scrapped for FA Cup fifth round


Last-16 ties in the Football Association's flagship competition will be decided with extra-time and penalties if games finish all square.

Replays scrapped for FA Cup fifth round


FA Cup fifth round ties will not go to replays if they finish all square in this season's competition. The Football Association has brought forward the change to its flagship knockout competition a year earlier than planned. A statement from the FA read: "The move was agreed by the Professional Game Board and has been introduced to alleviate fixture congestion, with six Premier League clubs qualifying for the knockout stages of European competitions and UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League... Читать дальше...



REZULTATI NADZORA - Prema neslužbenim, ali vrlo pouzdanim informacijama koje je objavila Slobodna Dalmacija, inspekcijski nadzor Stručnog povjerenstva Ministarstva zdravstva i Povjerenstva Hrvatske liječničke komore (HLK) koji se od utorka do srijede prijepodne obavljao u Domu zdravlja Metković, Hitnoj pomoći Metković i KBC-u Split, a sve zbog smrti 9-godišnjeg Gabrijela Bebića iz Metkovića, koji je 11. prosinca preminuo u KBC-u Split, završen je.

Japan (catch all)


Heads up, HARPOON scenario writers. ---Quote--- Tokyo will launch its first aircraft carriers since the end of World War II to accommodate a growing number of stealth fighters, long-range missiles and other equipment adding to the Japan Self-Defence Forces (JSDF). The guidelines approved at...

Even the Cato Institute thinks that Republican judge who struck down Obamacare was wrong

Think Progress 

A Republican judge’s opinion claiming that the entire Affordable Care Act must be struck down is so poorly reasoned that even the Cato Institute denounced it on Wednesday. Cato, which was originally known as the Charles Koch Foundation, tried and failed to convince the Supreme Court to strike down the key provisions of Obamacare in […]

Actress Penny Marshall dies at 75


Actress Carole “Penny” Marshall, best known for her work on the television show “Laverne & Shirley,” has passed away due to complications from diabetes.

Facultés affaiblies au volant : de nouvelles mesures plus sévères

Radio Canada International 

Plusieurs nouveaux règlements du Code criminel canadien rentrent en vigueur mardi pour lutter contre l’alcool au volant. Des peines plus sévères attendent ceux qui enfreignent le Code de la route, en particulier lorsque le conducteur utilise son véhicule avec des…»

Atari Partners With Startup to Make Blockchain Versions of Popular Titles like Roller Coaster Tycoon


Renowned game maker Atari Inc. announced a license agreement with Animoca Brands Limited, a subsidiary of Animoca Brands Corporation Limited, giving it the rights to produce and publish blockchain versions of the famed Atari mobile game titles Roller Coaster Tycoon Touch and Goon Squad in most territories around the world – excluding Hong Kong, China,

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General Chat • Re: Album of 2018

Marching On Together 

I haven't bought one 'new' album this year, only albums I may not have picked up first time round from mainly the late 60's/70s.

The older I get the more difficult I find it to like new stuff (albeit to a point that is laziness on my part I think), albeit I have picked a few things on the various music threads on here.

Penny Marshall, ‘Laverne & Shirley’ Star, Director, Dies at 75


Penny Marshall, who starred alongside Cindy Williams in the hit ABC comedy “Laverne & Shirley” and then became a successful movie director, died on Monday night, Variety has confirmed. She was 75. Marshall was the first woman to direct a film that grossed more than $100 million, the first woman to direct two films that […]

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Comedy Club

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«Микропенис» и XY-хромосомы: появился медотчет, разоблачающий спортсменку ОИ Хелиф

Penny Marshall Dead: 'Laverne & Shirley' Star Was 75 - Hollywood Reporter

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Penny Marshall Dead: 'Laverne & Shirley' Star Was 75  Hollywood Reporter
  2. Director Penny Marshall Dead at 75: NY Daily News  KTLA
  3. Penny Marshall, who played feisty Laverne in 'Laverne & Shirley' before directing movies, dies at 75  Los Angeles Times
  4. 'Laverne & Shirley' star Penny Marshall dead at 75  WCVB Boston
  5. Penny Marshall dead at 75, best known as TV's Laverne and director of 'Big,' 'A League of Their Own' - NY Dail  New York Daily News
  6. View... Читать дальше...

Popeyes launches 'Emotional Support Chicken' in airport - INSIDER

Sports - Google News (us) 

  1. Popeyes launches 'Emotional Support Chicken' in airport  INSIDER
  2. Popeyes launches 'Emotional Support Chicken' carrier at Philadelphia airport  Fox News
  3. Popeyes offers beleaguered travelers “emotional support chickens”  The Takeout
  4. Popeyes’ ‘Emotional Support Chicken’ Is Totally TSA-Friendly  Eater
  5. Popeyes is jumping on emotional support bandwagon with its new 'Emotional Support Chicken'  USA TODAY
  6. View full coverage on Google News

Loneliness peaks at three key ages, study finds -- but wisdom may help


Rising rates of loneliness may not be news, but the three periods when it peaks may come as a surprise: More people reported feeling moderate to severe loneliness during their late 20s, their mid-50s and their late 80s than in other life periods, according to research published Tuesday in the journal International Psychogeriatrics.

EU clears electricity surcharge discount


The European Commission said on Tuesday it had approved discounts granted to energy-intensive companies on a surcharge used to support renewable electricity production in Greece. 


Александр Малинин и симфонический оркестр Москвы: незабываемый вечер в честь дня рождения артиста

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Сергей Собянин: «Ночь искусств» посетили более 200 тысяч человек

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