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Новости за 23.05.2024

Pochettino packs his trunk and says goodbye to the Chelsea circus - The Guardian

Sports - Google News (uk) 

  1. Pochettino packs his trunk and says goodbye to the Chelsea circus  The Guardian
  2. Chelsea sack Pochettino over injuries as players speak out over 'primitive' but brutal training  Football365
  3. Chelsea: Paul Merson astounded by Mauricio Pochettino's departure by mutual consent  Sky Sports
  4. Transfer news LIVE! Fresh Arsenal bid, Chelsea new manager, McKenna to Man Utd boost  Evening Standard
  5. Chelsea to 'streamline Mauricio Pochettino replacement search' due to Man... Читать дальше...

Was FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Raid a Ploy to Kill Trump? 

New American 

Recently unsealed documents reveal that FBI agents were ready to use “deadly force” in the raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in August 2022. Documents say FBI agents were prepared to engage Trump’s Secret Service agents as well as Trump. Considering the FBI’s high degree of corruption and track record of targeting the Deep State’s ...

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Paradise reborn


Though the rainy season has officially started in some parts of the country, it appeared we were in luck when rain clouds drifted off Phuket. The Sun was shining and the sky was clear when we arrived at Visit Panwa Pier, where a fleet of speedboats and catamarans were cruising the water to pick up passengers.

Loei honours ancestors


From today to Saturday, the Ban Na Sao community in Loei celebrates Isan tradition with the Phi Khon Nam Festival to honour the spirit of their ancestors, show gratitude to buffaloes for working hard and ask the rain to mark the beginning of rice farming.

Join Ned Goodwin for a wine masterclass


Ned Goodwin, one of the wine world's most profound and well-respected masters from Australia, is conducting two 90-minute masterclasses to bring a unique experience to wine lovers in Thailand, at Neilson Hays Library, Surawong Road, on June 2 from 1-4.30pm.

Thai-spiced revival


In a sizzling display of talent and creativity, Bangkok University Theatre Company's students and alumni bring the razzle-dazzle of Chicago to life in a Thai adaptation that tackles themes of violence, adultery and murder. With bold performances and innovative staging, this university production is a testament to the capabilities of young artists.

Dive into the abstract world of Meguru Yamaguchi


Art enthusiasts have until June 2 to witness floating art by New York-based contemporary Japanese artist Meguru Yamaguchi who has his Bangkok and East Asia debut, "Out Of Bounds", at Maison JE Bangkok.

The 'billions to trillions' charade


The international development sector has become fixated on calculating financing gaps. Hardly a day goes by without new estimates of the funds low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) need to meet their climate targets and achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Музыкальные новости
Валерий Гергиев

Губернатор Кожемяко и маэстро Гергиев выводят Владивосток в «культурную» столицу Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона


Гигафабрики в Калининградской области и Москве будут выпускать двигатели и батареи для 100 тыс. электромобилей в год

«Микропенис» и XY-хромосомы: появился медотчет, разоблачающий спортсменку ОИ Хелиф

«Он меня удивляет»: Игорь Верник раскрыл подробности жизни сына

Золушка-риелтор: как бедная сибирячка возглавила барнаульский «Жилфонд» — её судят за хищение 120 млн и побег в Аргентину

«Слоновья память»: португальский миниатюрный «Улисс»

Sam Yan shows need to save history


What distinguishes Thailand from many other countries is our rich diversity in culture and history. Yet slowly but surely, the distinctive heritage of our local communities is disappearing. Often property developers destroy historic buildings in pursuit of profit. But why do their rights always seem to come first? Why do we have to beg to protect our cultural assets?

Ethics case plagues PM


Even though PM's Office Minister Pichit Chuenban has suddenly resigned from the cabinet, Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin -- who appointed him in a controversial reshuffle -- still finds his fate hanging in mid-air.

Asset managers post mixed results


Two bad asset management companies reported lower net profits in the first quarter this year, attributed to higher expected credit losses (ECL) amid a fragile economic recovery.

FPO urges beefing up service sector


Thailand needs to increase revenue from the service sector to bolster economic growth, according to an economist.

Yong eyes 2 new plants in Rayong


Yong Concrete, an MAI-listed producer of concrete products, is expanding with two new plants in Rayong to capitalise on rising demand in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), diversifying risk from the property market slowdown and government budget delays.

TCL banks on premium market


TCL Electronics, a Chinese electrical appliance manufacturer, seeks to target the premium market as spending by middle to upper-income customers is unaffected by the economic slowdown, as it plans to build an air conditioner factory in Thailand.


Мировая премьера концерта – симфонии «Русскому Донбассу» состоялась в Чите

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Собянин: Благоустройство в этом году проходило во всех районах ЮЗАО

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Музыкальные новости

Александр Розенбаум

"Мысль для меня — это мелодия". Александр Розенбаум — о любимой музыке и рэпе

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Новая форма принесла успех хоккеистам «Торпедо» в столице

"Торпедо" - "Динамо Москва" 4 ноября: где смотреть трансляцию матча

«Торпедо» одолело московское «Динамо» благодаря голу Мисникова в буллитной серии


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