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Новости за 05.07.2024

US Independence Day 2024: Fourth of July fireworks display lights up DC sky


By Reena BhardwajWashington, DC [US], July 5 (ANI): There was a huge show of patriotism in Washington DC Thursday night for one of the nation's largest fireworks shows. Thousands packed the National Mall for the July 4th fireworks, a day when millions of Americans all over the world celebrate Independence Day. The bright pops of color in the sky, paired with all things red, white, and blue, make DC the most popular and pe

Police lament withdrawal of rape cases by victims’ relatives

The Punch 

The Nigeria Police in Borno State have called for stringent laws to stop the withdrawal of rape and other sexual violence cases by relations of victims in court. The Deputy Commissioner of Police in Borno, DCP Ahmad Bello, made the call in Maiduguri, the Bornu state capital, in his contribution at a stakeholders’ consultative meeting

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Rishi Sunak resigns as Conservative Party leader

RT (Daily news) 

“I’m sorry,” British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said after the Conservative Party’s crushing defeat to Labour in the general election
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Israel conducts military operation in the area of the West Bank city of Jenin

Voice of America 

JERUSALEM — The Israeli military said Friday it was conducting counterterrorism activity that included an airstrike in the area of the West Bank city of Jenin. Palestinian authorities said five people were killed. The military said Israeli soldiers had "encircled a building where terrorists have barricaded themselves in" and the soldiers were exchanging fire, while an airstrike had "struck several armed terrorists" in the area. The Palestinian Health Ministry said five people died but did not provide any information on their identities. Читать дальше...

The economics of philanthropy

The Japan Times 

Philanthropy can help bridge the gap between the haves and have-nots. But wealthy people need more of an incentive to give than just being altruistic.

Музыкальные новости
Вячеслав Добрынин

Президент Владимир Путин прислал венок на прощание с Вячеславом Добрыниным

Сергей Собянин

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

Реконструкцию «Битва за Москву. Подольские курсанты» показали в Подольске

Около 900 жителей Филей-Давыдкова переедут по программе реновации

«Потоп грядет»: циклон «Кассандра» накроет Москву

Жители Владимира в октябре смогут наблюдать два звездопада

UK PM Sunak to resign as prime minister and Conservative leader


Rishi Sunak will resign as prime minister and Conservative leader after Labour's decisive win. Announcing this outside Downing Street, he acknowledged voter disappointment, responsibility, and the effort of all candidates. Sunak will meet King Charles to formally resign on Friday, noting the clear signal for change and the efforts deserved.

Miriam Margolyes Catches The Loose Women Panel Off Guard With Another Explicit Outburst


Miriam Margolyes on Thursday's edition of Loose Women

It’s well-known by this point that if you’re booking Miriam Margolyes on your live TV or radio show, then you’re probably in for a naughty moment or two.

And it looks like Loose Women bosses might have pre-empted this, appearing to air the Bafta winner’s interview on Thursday on a time delay in case of any explicit slip-ups. Which, by the way, there were.

Early on in Miriam’s interview, she was asked about her motivation for writing her new memoir Oh... Читать дальше...


Россия получила пять отказов на выступления докладчиков на Форуме ОБСЕ

Губернаторы России

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Сергей Собянин поздравил народного артиста Александра Михайлова с днем рождения

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Музыкальные новости

Вячеслав Добрынин

Вдова и дочь Добрынина проигнорировали его внебрачного сына на похоронах

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Автобус с игроками «Ростова» попал в ДТП после матча со «Спартаком»

Губерниев из Московской губернии

Автобус «Ростова» попал в ДТП на МКАДе: Футболисты не пострадали

US Open

Синнер сделал предложение Калинской на вечеринке в Нью-Йорке. Россиянка согласилась

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


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