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Новости за 15.07.2024

MG announces extended lifetime warranty for four models


SAIC Motor-CP and MG Sales (Thailand), manufacturer and distributor of MG cars in Thailand, has announced an extended lifetime warranty for four MG models as part of the brand's 100th anniversary. The four models are the new MG4 Electric, MG Maxus 9, MG Maxus 7 and the new MG Cyberster.

Inequality spurs democratic backsliding


With November's election in the United States fast approaching, Democrats continue to debate whether to campaign on the economy or the future of democracy. In fact, our research at the Chicago Center on Democracy shows that the two issues are closely connected: high levels of income inequality increase the risk of a democracy sliding into autocracy.

The story of Trendy Gallery


While most art galleries in Thailand do not attract many visitors, Trendy Gallery in River City Bangkok draws crowds and many exhibitions held there sell out completely.

Race for glory this September


Following its Bangkok debut in 2022 and a sold-out race in Malaysia last year, the "Asics Meta: Time: Trials" is making its way back to Thailand with a 10km race to be held at Suphachalasai National Stadium, Rama I Road, on Sept 22.

Korean entertainment you can enjoy this month


Here are two interesting Korean programmes you can watch this month. First is the unusual TV dating show Possessed Love and the second is for those who missed Blackpink's world tour Born Pink and want to watch it in cinemas.

Early education helps shape future


During the first five years of a child's life, the brain increases 300% in size but more importantly, the neural connections which allow the brain to function increase even more. During the crucial first three years, synaptic linkages surge from zero to 1,000 trillion, far more than at any other time in life. One can therefore make the case that supporting early brain development is one of the...

First test for new senators


Some 200 new senators recently endorsed by the Election Commission (EC) have the task of selecting a Senate Speaker, a position crucial for the integrity of the upper house.

Our UN obligations on disappearances


Enforced disappearance is the technical term for a heinous crime whereby a person or persons are deprived of their liberty, such as detention in an unknown place ("incommunicado"). This is accompanied by a cover-up by the state.

DES Ministry plans to hold urgent discussions on orbital slot


The Digital Economy and Society (DES) Ministry plans to hold an urgent meeting with the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) and state enterprise National Telecom (NT) to address its concern over the country's rights to use the 50.5° East satellite orbit, which expires in November.

Zeekr to launch EV range amid sales dip


Domestic premium car sales plunged by 30% year-on-year during the first half amid the economic slowdown and intensifying competition, fuelled by more Chinese electric vehicles entering the Asian market as a result of the impact of the US-China trade war, says Zeekr Intelligent Technology, a Chinese EV maker under the Zeekr brand.

Talks start over Thai-Korean economic deal


South Korea and Thailand held their first talks over an economic partnership agreement (EPA) on July 9-11, seeking to pave the way for a free trade deal between the two countries by late 2025.

Музыкальные новости
Михаил Кутушов

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в XIV Фармацевтической конференции «Зелёный крест»

Евгений Петросян

Молодая жена Евгения Петросяна отправилась с дочкой в круиз по Карелии

Обучение в школе покера: ключевые преимущества тренировок

В московском хостеле 15 человек отравились едой

Волонтеры очистили от мусора Озернинское водохранилище в Рузе

В запасе есть мощнейший козырь: эксперт предрёк неожиданный ход Путина

Monarch contributions


His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua has long been aware of the importance of agriculture -- the heart of the national economy -- since he was the Crown Prince.


Заведующий рефракционным отделением клиники микрохирургии глаза АйМед Кирилл Светлаков: как снизить нагрузку на глаза при работе с гаджетами

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Собянин: Москва создает одну из крупнейших в мире цифровых диагностических сетей

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Музыкальные новости


У Тимати угнали дорогую машину

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Культурные центры Москвы проведут мероприятия в рамках летнего фестиваля

Экс-футболист «Манчестер Юнайтед» Канчельскис прокомментировал инцидент с дракой

Верховая езда, сап-серфинг и йога: летний досуг долголетов в Ленинском округе


Один финал Испания выиграла — пусть не у Англии, зато в Лондоне у Джоковича! Алькарас — двукратный чемпион Уимблдона

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


В Москве впервые конфисковали электросамокат за наезд на пешехода

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России