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Новости за 01.11.2024

Tsitsipas digs deep to reach Paris QFs, stays alive in Turin race

ATPWorldTour.com (Tennis) 

pCould Stefanos Tsitsipasrsquo; hard-fought win on Thursday at the Rolex Paris Masters prove pivotal in his quest to qualify for his sixth consecutive Nitto ATP Finals?/p pThe 10th seed dug deep for a 6-7(1), 6-4, 6-2 triumph against Francisco Cerundolo to advance to his fourth quarter-final in Paris. With the victory, Tsitsipas climbed to 11th in the PIF ATP Live Race To Turin, but he will need a run to the final to stay in contention./p pThe former No. 3 in the PIF ATP Rankings crossed the line with conviction to progress in two hours... Читать дальше...

Experience a night of truffle luxury


Bon viveurs are invited to indulge in the world's most coveted delicacy and feel the excitement of a live auction during "Six-Hands White Truffle Dinner & XXV World Alba White Truffle Auction", which will take place at the renowned Riva del Fiume restaurant at Four Seasons Hotel Bangkok, on Nov 10 at 6.30pm.

A deadly game


First, we had Don't Breathe (2016) and A Quiet Place (2018), where silence is key, then Bird Box (2018), where seeing is danger. Hollywood's current fascination with sensory deprivation has a new addition: Don't Move, a thriller in which the protagonist faces a new kind of terror -- forced paralysis. In this film, the main character is injected with a paralytic agent by a killer, leaving her...

Gritty Australian outback drama Territory takes the reins


The premise of Territory tackles power struggles, complex family dynamics and the unyielding grit of frontier life. Described by some as the Australian answer to Yellowstone, this six-part neo-Western drama series brings its own distinct flavour to the genre. While the comparison is understandable, Territory stands firmly on its own, diverging from Yellowstone's influence to craft an original...

A quality


Jaeger-LeCoultre's rich history spans almost two centuries. La Grande Maison revisits the golden age, from the 1920s to the 1970s, in The Collectibles programme, launched last year on the occasion of its 190th anniversary.

Музыкальные новости
Comedy Club

Тина Канделаки предложила Евгению Петросяну стать постоянным резидентом Comedy Club

Сергей Собянин

Сергей Собянин рассказал о создании рабочих мест для москвичей рядом с домом

Новый врач-терапевт приступила к работе в Раменской поликлинике

В Дмитрове планируется капремонт участка тепловых сетей

«Перестаньте открывать новые рестораны»

Отвечаем за безопасность: проверка чердаков и подвалов прошла в поселке Шишкин Лес

Japan faces electoral stalemate as LDP bloc loses grip


Japan's general election has dealt a major blow to Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba, whose ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and its coalition partner, Komei, lost their parliamentary majority for the first time since 2009, plunging the country into political uncertainty.

Trouble with detention


The government's honeymoon period after winning a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council looks set to be short-lived, as the unfortunate end of the statute of limitations in the Tak Bai incident cast doubts over the government's commitment to ending the culture of impunity among state officials.

Two issues at stake in US president race


As the quadrennial presidential contest in the United States reaches its conclusion next week, the two fundamental and entwined issues at stake are how America sees itself at home and how its consequent role abroad ought to be. This is not the first time these soul-searching questions are determining who gets to rule the country, but they are a recent phenomenon. Beyond them, the rest are...

SET intensifies oversight of inappropriate trading


The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) has been conducting rigorous inspections and identified 36 cases of investors submitting inappropriate stock trading orders over the past 2.5 months.

FAA Clears Path for Air Taxi Takeoff


Following years of big promises, the air taxi industry is now one step closer to providing innovative transport options to consumers in the U.S., as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has formally recognised the new category of aircraft. However, the futuristic urban metropolises portrayed in so many movies of that past have yet to materialise, as, despite impressive aircraft developments in recent years, progress in many parts of the world has been hindered by regulatory delays.  This October... Читать дальше...


Обзор автомобиля «Москвич» 3

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Сергей Собянин рассказал о создании рабочих мест для москвичей рядом с домом

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«Он предлагает дать по заднице»! Джиган покажет, как воспитывает сына, в новом реалити «Большое переселение» на ТНТ

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