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Новости за 04.11.2024


Bulldog Barks and Bytes : Diamond Dawgs Baseball 

Do you let Sonny go at the end of the year and pay the $1 Million buyout given the turbulent financial place the athletic department is in? or Do you let him coach 1 more year and prevent having to pay the buyout, but risk another losing season, bad recruiting , etc.. What is the best decision...

The Paris Olympics displaced nearly 20,000 people, local associations say

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A coalition of over 100 organizations has reported that nearly 20,000 individuals were displaced from informal housing in Paris and surrounding areas during preparations for the 2024 Summer Olympics. The group Le Revers de la Médaille claims these evictions are part of “social cleansing,” citing evidence including government documents that reference the Olympics as justification. Eviction operations surged by 41% compared to the previous year, with over 4,500 minors affected. French officials, including President Emmanuel Macron... Читать дальше...

Potential Red Sox Reunion No Longer Option After Contract News

New England Sportd Network: World Cup 

It’s unknown if the Red Sox, who need starting pitching help, were interested in possibly bringing back Michael Wacha. But if Boston was intrigued by the reunion idea, it will have to wipe it off its list of potential offseason moves. Wacha and the Royals agreed on a three-year contract that includes a fourth-year club […]

Suspect in Paris student murder to be extradited to France on Wednesday

France24.com (en) 

A 22-year-old Moroccan national, accused of murdering a Paris university student identified only as Philippine, will be handed over to France from Switzerland on Wednesday, authorities said. Following the killing, French politicians have called for a crackdown on illegal immigration but rights groups said the focus should instead be on femicide.

Former Ohio cop Adam Coy found guilty of murder in fatal 2020 shooting of unarmed Black man Andre Hill - ABC News


  1. Former Ohio cop Adam Coy found guilty of murder in fatal 2020 shooting of unarmed Black man Andre Hill  ABC News
  2. Jury reaches verdict in trial of former police officer who fatally shot man  NBC4 WCMH-TV
  3. Adam Coy: Columbus cop who killed unarmed man found guilty of murder  WJW FOX 8 News Cleveland
  4. Watch: Verdict reached in former Columbus police officer's trial for Andre Hill shooting  The Columbus Dispatch

What time do polls close on Election Day?


Election Day just a day away, and many voters have already cast their ballots in what polls show could be one of the closest presidential elections of all time. Former President Trump and Vice President Harris are locked in a dead tie ahead of Tuesday. According to The Hill/Decision Desk HQ’s poll aggregation, both have...

Музыкальные новости
Сергей Шнуров

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Гигафабрики в Калининградской области и Москве будут выпускать двигатели и батареи для 100 тыс. электромобилей в год

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U.S. presidential polls: Candidates make final cases in swing states

The Hindu 

This year is historic for several reasons, including that Ms Harris, 60, is the first Indian American and Black woman to seek the Presidency. Mr Trump, 78, is the first former President to be convicted of a felony and is seeking a second non-consecutive term, only the second is U.S. history.


Древнее искусство исцеления возрождается: мануальная терапия с Искандером Касимовым

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Собянин подвел итоги ежегодной акции «Ночь искусств» в Москве

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Noize MC

Протокол на Noize MC рассмотрят 14 ноября

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Новая форма принесла успех хоккеистам «Торпедо» в столице

«Торпедо» благодаря дублю Свечникова одержало волевую победу над «Динамо», прервав серию поражений

Новый вирус Коксаки: воронежские санитарные врачи напомнили о важности мытья детских рук


Карен Хачанов снялся с турнира категории ATP-250 в Метце

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

Александр Зверев

Александр Зверев: «Очень сложно стать первым без победы на «Шлеме». У меня был шанс в 2022-м, но это редкость, тогда были особые обстоятельства»

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России