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Новости за 08.11.2024

Update for Windows PCs with ARM chips could improve compatibility with x86 games and applications


Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X processors are the fastest ARM-based chips available for Windows laptops to date, making PCs with ARM chips competitive with their Intel and AMD-powered counterparts for the first time. But hardware is only part of the puzzle. Most PC applications are designed for systems with x86 processors. So Microsoft developed an emulator called […]

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What Labour Must Learn From Trump’s Victory To Avoid The Democrats’ Fate


Donald Trump has redrawn the political map in the US.

Donald Trump’s stunning US election victory has thrown up serious questions for Keir Starmer - and not just because of the disobliging comments he and other senior Labour figures made in the past about the president-elect.

The splintering of the Democrats’ traditional coalition of voters has sent a shiver down the spine of Labour strategists, who are already nervously eyeing the next UK general election in four years’ time.

Minority groups and the white working class... Читать дальше...

Achieving Rapid and Sustainable Weight Loss with HCG in Katy


A Listly List - Weight loss can often feel like an uphill battle, with countless diets and exercise programs promising quick results but failing to provide long-lasting success. If you’ve tried everything without seeing the progress you deserve, it might be time to explore the potential of the HCG weight loss program. At Katy weight loss center, we offer a medically supervised HCG program that helps you achieve rapid and sustainable weight loss, giving you the tools to transform your body and maintain your results. Читать дальше...

I was an Asda delivery driver and nearly gave up snooker, now I’m playing for £175k in International Championship final


CHRIS WAKELIN was once an Asda delivery driver.

Now, he’s vying for £175,000 in the International Championship final.

Chris Wakelin edged past Xiao Guodong with a 9-8 victory on Friday

Wakelin, 32, will need to deliver the goods when he plays the winner of Ding Junhui and Xu Si in the final on Saturday.

The Brit edged past China’s Xiao Guodong with a 9-8 victory in a thrilling semi-final.

Wakelin looked to have bottled it when Xiao fought back from 6-3... Читать дальше...

A guide to key figures in Donald Trump's orbit

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

As Donald Trump prepares to return to the White House, he will be accompanied by a crew of longtime friends and aides and newfound, splashy allies. The Republican president-elect has barely begun naming key figures in his administration, but he has kept a rotation of associates with him on and off the campaign trail in recent weeks who joined him on stage early Wednesday as he declared victory.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) And The Path To Pakistan’s Economic Revival – OpEd

Eurasia Review 

Pakistan, like many developing countries, faces numerous challenges in revitalizing its economy. However, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and an increase in exports are two powerful catalysts that can significantly contribute to the country's economic recovery. These elements are not only instrumental in revitalizing sagging economies but also in setting a nation on the path to sustained economic development. The inflow of FDI signals investor confidence in the revival of Pakistan's economy, while... Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости

Пиар-директор певца SHAMANа неожиданно скончался в Москве. Певец никак не прокомментировал ситуацию


LEON Вторая лига А. «Сибирь» принимает «Текстильщик», «Спартак» Кострома против «Волгаря»


Для столичной молодежи пройдут тематические экскурсии

В России запретили пропаганду чайлдфри: названо, кого это не коснется

«Спартак» — «Локомотив». Видеообзор матча КХЛ

Fantasy Football Week 10: Rankings, sleepers, start/sit advice and more - Yahoo Sports

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Fantasy Football Week 10: Rankings, sleepers, start/sit advice and more  Yahoo Sports
  2. Fantasy Football Week 10 start/sit cheat sheet best advice  ESPN
  3. Fantasy Football Traffic Cop: Week 10 lineup advice  Yahoo Sports
  4. Fabs Five Fantasy Sleepers: Tyrone Tracy Jr., Khalil Shakir Have Big Potential in Week 10  Sports Illustrated
  5. Fantasy sleepers, Week 10: Pair of Giants, 49ers with favorable matchups  NFL.com

Workshop looks at Southeast Asia’s use of trade, IP, health policies for technology access

World Trade Organization 

A total of 40 senior government officials working in the areas of health, intellectual property (IP) and trade from 14 WTO members and observers in Southeast Asia took part in a subregional workshop on trade and public health in Bangkok, Thailand, from 6 to 8 November 2025. The event aimed at promoting a multidisciplinary approach to foster innovation and access to health technologies in the region.

OpenAI's splashy purchase of a 4-letter domain name is a smart play, brand pros say - Business Insider

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. OpenAI's splashy purchase of a 4-letter domain name is a smart play, brand pros say  Business Insider
  2. The New Name For ChatGPT?  Forbes
  3. OpenAI acquired Chat.com  TechCrunch
  4. Sam Altman may have dropped millions of dollars—and OpenAI shares—to buy a single URL  Fortune
  5. Did OpenAI just spend more than $10 million on a URL?  The Verge

All States are Empires of Lies

Ludwig von Mises Institute 

Most economists are political apologists masquerading as economists. They are Rothbard’s “court historians” with degrees in economics instead of history.

Tualatin and Mountainside clash in first round playoff matchup


Update 10:20 p.m. 11/8/24: Mountainside defeats Tualatin, 44-39. PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) -- The OSAA playoffs have arrived as Tualatin (6-3, 2-3) and Mountainside (7-2, 5-0) prepare to face off in the first round. The reward for the victor: a meeting with top-ranked Lake Oswego. Following spectacular shutout wins last week, both teams are feeling exceptionally strong. [...]


Журнал MODA topical и Abakumov clinic представили 16-ю ежегодную звездную премию «Topical Style Awards 2024»

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Жанна Бичевская

«Договорились меня сжирать»: певица Жанна Бичевская назвала Аллу Пугачеву своим главным врагом на эстраде

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Красноярцы представят свои социальные проекты на конференции «Спорт и общество: энергия изменений»

«Арт-футбол 2024»: праздник спорта и музыки, объединивший артистов и олимпийцев

Radio Tapok перенесет зрителей в атмосферу легендарных баталий


Россиянка Кудерметова проиграла в полуфинале парного Итогового турнира WTA

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