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Новости за 12.11.2024

‘A Real Pain’ review: Eisenberg delivers thoughtful study of two hurting men


Hearing the title “A Real Pain,” you can’t help but imagine a multi-camera sitcom or, perhaps, a disposable laugher starring Adam Sandler. In reality, this second directorial feature from Jesse Eisenberg — who also wrote and co-stars in the film, which is in theaters this week — is a thoughtful study of two characters dealing with sadness and depression in their own ways. At 90 minutes it is only so ambitious, but Eisenberg accomplishes what he sets out to do with the dramedy, aided by strong work by his co-star, Kieran Culkin. Читать дальше...

What In The World Is A Promote?


A promote is used when the alternative investment structure has general partner (GP) shares and limited partnership shares.

Consolidation Threatens US Postal Service


Thousands of the jobs in the nation’s biggest unionized work force are at stake under Louis Dejoy’s modernization plan, which would slow down service for much of the country, writes Alexandra Bradbury.  By Alexandra Bradbury Labor Notes  Workers are battling…

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First-of-Its-Kind Glowing Sea Creature Discovered in Ocean’s ‘Midnight Zone’ - Gizmodo


  1. First-of-Its-Kind Glowing Sea Creature Discovered in Ocean’s ‘Midnight Zone’  Gizmodo
  2. ‘Devious’ New Deep Sea Creature Hid Its Identity From Scientists  The New York Times
  3. Ghostly Creature Deep in The Ocean Is Like Nothing We've Seen Before  ScienceAlert
  4. “Mystery Mollusk” Unmasked As First-Known Nudibranch To Live In The Midnight Zone  IFLScience
  5. Glowing and Swimming Sea Slugs Newly Discovered in the Deep Sea  KQED

Bioluminescent sea slug discovered in the deep sea swims through the ocean's midnight zone


MBARI researchers have discovered a remarkable new species of sea slug that lives in the deep sea. Bathydevius caudactylus swims through the ocean's midnight zone with a large gelatinous hood and paddle-like tail, and lights up with brilliant bioluminescence. The team published a description of the animal, nicknamed the "mystery mollusk," in the journal Deep-Sea Research Part I.

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Россия списала долги странам Африки на 20 миллиардов долларов

Decentralized social media 'increases citizen empowerment,' says study


Researchers from the Oxford Martin Program on Ethical Web and Data Architectures (University of Oxford) have reported findings from a paper exploring the motivations and challenges in running decentralized social media such as Mastodon, concluding such platforms offer potential for increased citizen empowerment in this digital domain.

Tech Support - Urban Designer Answers More City Planning Questions


Former Chief Urban Designer of The City of New York Alex Washburn returns to WIRED to answer another round of the internet's burning questions about city planning. How should cities accommodate electric bikes? Can urban planning mitigate over-gentrification? How can urban planning prevent crimes? What does the future of public transportation in urban centers look like? Can a city ever reach population capacity? How's it possible for a city to run out of water? Alex Washburn answers these questions and many more on City Planning Support, Vol. Читать дальше...

California's New Fuel Rules Could Raise Gas Prices by $0.50 Per Gallon


Despite the incoming Trump administration's likely move to deregulate all things EV, that isn't necessarily going to stop California from continuing down its 'green' agenda path. And people wonder why there's exodus from the state to places like Texas and Florida? Last week, the California Air Resources Board voted to amend the Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which requires fuel producers exceeding carbon targets to buy credits from low- or zero-carbon suppliers, according to Bloomberg.  The updated rules accelerate target reductions... Читать дальше...


«Спартак» — «Локомотив». Видеообзор матча КХЛ

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Николай Цискаридзе

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«Арт-футбол 2024»: праздник спорта и музыки, объединивший артистов и олимпийцев

Ярославский "Локомотив" побеждает "Спартак": 11-я победа подряд в КХЛ

«Спартак» — «Локомотив». Видеообзор матча КХЛ


«Он долго будет править». Борис Беккер — о лидерстве Янника Синнера в рейтинге ATP

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«Спартак» — «Локомотив». Видеообзор матча КХЛ

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