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Новости за 13.11.2024

Amazon Confirms Shutdown of FAST Service Freevee


Freevee, we hardly knew ye: Amazon confirmed late Tuesday that it will shut down the FAST (free ad-supported streaming television) service, which debuted as IMDb Freedive in January 2019. Moving forward, the company will consolidate the streamer under Prime Video. "To deliver a simpler viewing experience for customers, we have decided to phase out Freevee...

Udwadia Announces Signings of Badon, Elicha Navas

University of Arkansas Women's Gymnastics 

Head coach Jay Udwadia has officially announced the signings of Jean-Baptiste Badon and Gabriel Elicha Navas. Badon and Elicha Navas are set to join the Hogs this spring.

Gary Neville gives unsurprising take on David Coote video – ‘Not anti-Liverpool’ - This Is Anfield

Sports - Google News (uk) 

  1. Gary Neville gives unsurprising take on David Coote video – ‘Not anti-Liverpool’  This Is Anfield
  2. 'David Coote video on Liverpool and Jurgen Klopp fuels conspiracy theorists'  BBC.com
  3. The tale of David Coote and a Nations League preview – Football Weekly Extra podcast  The Guardian
  4. David Coote: FA investigating video after Premier League referee suspended over apparent Liverpool and Jurgen Klopp comments  Sky Sports
  5. Gary Neville breaks silence on David Coote... Читать дальше...

House defeats bill enabling Trump assault on nonprofits — 52 Dems voted in favor

Raw Story 

Legislation that would have handed President-elect Donald Trump sweeping power to investigate and shutter news outlets, government watchdogs, humanitarian organizations, and other nonprofits was defeated in the House of Representatives on Tuesday after a coalition of progressive advocacy groups and lawmakers mobilized against it, warning of the bill's dire implications for the right to dissent.

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Autosport Podcast Q+A: Wittich departure, F1 live launch and more

Atlas F1 Bulletin Board 

On this week's episode, a large amount of news to dissect, such as the departure of the FIA's F1 Race Director Niels Wittich, and whether his questionable management of the Brazilian Grand Prix may have led to his reported firing.There's also the recent shock statement from the Grand Prix Drivers Association released on Instagram in response to recent decisions made by both Race Control such as ...Keep reading

Crypto legislation likely coming under Trump, ex-SEC chief says - Reuters


  1. Crypto legislation likely coming under Trump, ex-SEC chief says  Reuters
  2. Piper Sandler says Trump will usher in a wave of mainstream crypto adoption — so buy these stocks  CNBC
  3. Galaxy's Novogratz Says Bitcoin Is Going to $500K  Bloomberg
  4. There’s another big winner of the US election: cryptocurrency  The Independent
  5. Crypto Industry Lobbies Trump and His Allies After Election Wins  The New York Times

Музыкальные новости
Сергей Шнуров

Депутат хочет наказать Инстасамку и Шнурова за лозунг "Русские, вперед"


Apple выпустила новые беты iOS 18.2 и других ОС с поддержкой Genmoji, Image Playground и интеграцией ChatGPT

Дзюдоисты сборной Якутии стартуют на юниорском первенстве России

Арестована роскошная квартира Тимура Иванова на Арбате: цена просто космическая

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DS Interview: John “Jughead” Pierson on his Fictional Band Semi-Famous, Brought to Life with the New Full-Length “Destroy Ourselves”

Dying Scene 

John “Jughead” Pierson, known most prominently, alongside Ben Weasel, as a founding member of Screeching Weasel, has reentered the so-called punk rock spotlight through his new band Semi-Famous. First devised as the fictious subject of Pierson’s not-so-fictitious novel Weasels in a Box, Semi-Famous has been brought to life by the release of Destroy Ourselves, a […]


Заместитель управляющего Отделением Фонда пенсионного и социального страхования Российской Федерации по г. Москве и Московской области Алексей Путин: «Клиентоцентричность - наш приоритет»

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Музыкальные новости


Рэпер Джиган заявил, что Пи Дидди и Снуп Догг причастны к кончине Тупака

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Видеоролик о ДФК «Алеут» из Приморского края опубликовали в сети

Красноярские спортсменки – серебряные призеры всероссийских соревнований по чир спорту

ФК «Локомотив» обвинил Дзюбу в нарушении этики и неуважении к футболу в России

Даниил Медведев

Медведев получил предупреждение за разбитую ракетку в матче с Фрицем на Итоговом турнире

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Семья из Пермского края победила в конкурсе Ирины Дубцовой «Главное – Семья»

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России