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More than 360,000 people have recovered from coronavirus


That means roughly 23% of diagnosed coronavirus patients have recovered from the illness.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Carlo Cozzoli/REX (10607426h) Transfusion of plasma from a patient recovered from COVID19 to a patient infected with coronavirus experimental treatment directed by doctor Cesare Perotti at the Policlinico San Matteo Hospital of Pavia Coronavirus outbreak, Pavia, Italy - 08 Apr 2020
Figures from the John Hopkins University show more than 360,00 people have survived Covid-19 (Picture: Rex)

The number of people who have recovered from coronavirus is rising with more than 360,000 people confirmed to have beaten the disease.

At the time of writing, figures from the John Hopkins University show of the 1.6 million global infections recorded worldwide, 365,142 patients have survived, while 97,000 people have died.

That means roughly 23% of diagnosed coronavirus patients have recovered from the illness. However, the true figure is likely to be much higher because some countries are only testing coronavirus patients who require hospital treatment.  

Around 80% of cases are thought to be mild enough to treat at home, meaning they are not being counted among the infection or recovery totals.

JAKARTA, INDONESIA - APRIL 7, 2020: Officers buried coronavirus victims bodies in a special burial place for coronavirus victims in Jakarta. The number of coronavirus cases in Indonesia currently reaches 2,738 people who are infected, 221 people have died, and 204 people have recovered. - PHOTOGRAPH BY Yogi Aroon Sidabariba / Opn Imag/ Barcroft Studios / Future Publishing (Photo credit should read Yogi Aroon Sidabariba / Opn Images/Barcroft Media via Getty Images)
Officers bury bodies in a special place for coronavirus victims in Jakarta (Picture: Barcroft Media/ Getty)

China leads the way in terms of recovered patients, with more than 77,000, according to Johns Hopkins, followed by Spain with more than 48,000 and  Germany with more than 46,000.

However, it is not yet known whether people who recover from Covid-19 are immune to future infections of the virus.

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The good news comes on an otherwise grim day for the UK, which has suffered its worst daily jump in deaths yet as another 953 people die from Covid-19.

It’s one of the biggest rises of any country worldwide, closing in on Spain’s record of 961.

UK coronavirus map 10/04
The UK death toll from coronavirus is almost 9,000

The NHS says it is coping with cases but the UK has still not experienced its peak.

The country has been in a period of lockdown since March 23, where people have been told to stay at home except for very limited reasons, or face being fined by police.

Ministers have urged people not to ‘ruin’ the UK’s progress on coronavirus by flouting lockdown laws this Easter weekend.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, who has been deputising for the PM, earlier warned that it was still too soon for ministers to begin lifting the strict social distancing rules introduced last month.

‘After all the sacrifices so many people have made, let’s not ruin it now,’ he said at the daily Downing Street press conference. ‘We mustn’t give the coronavirus a second chance to kill more people and hurt our country.’

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