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Sex And The City: 5 Funniest Carrie Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking)


As possibly the most nuanced and complex character on Sex and the City, Carrie had a lot of great quotes that were both hilarious and heartbreaking.

Fans can’t help but wonder Sex And The City's Carrie Bradshaw is the funniest pop culture heroines of the last few decades. The New York-based sex-pert and relationship columnist had a crackling wit and a nuanced sense of humor, and would often make the most stunning observations about life and love, to which her fans could immediately relate.

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Carrie’s career depended on being concise and sharp-witted, but fans have often noted how her vocabulary and personality stood out from the rest of the gang for being more self-aware and grounded, yet polished. These are some of the funniest and most heartbreaking quotes by Carrie.

10 Funniest: "I Will Literally Be The Old Woman Who Lived In Her Shoes."

Carrie Bradshaw is famously bad with her finances, and she discovers in season 4 that she’s about to lose her fabulous rent-controlled Manhattan apartment if she doesn’t come up with a lot of cash, very soon.

It was then that she realized her debilitating spending problem and the fact that she had spent $40,000 on shoes, while she had no savings, no investments and couldn't qualify for a loan. Carrie confesses to her friends that there are high chances that she will actually have to start living in her shoes!

9 Heartbreaking: "I Will Never Be The Woman With The Perfect Hair Who Can Wear White And Not Spill On It."

Though the show has often unjustly pitted women against each other, one of the most heartbreaking moments was when Carrie realized why Big chose to marry Natasha over her.

She compares herself to the non-conformist Katie from the rom-com The Way We Were, who was unpredictable and empowered. She tells the girls that Big simply couldn’t envision a future with the ‘untameable’ Carrie, and it’s natural for him to seek stability with someone like Natasha, who wants the perfect family and the white picket fence.

8 Funniest: "Beauty Is Fleeting, But A Rent-Controlled Apartment Overlooking The Park Is Forever."

Carrie’s Manhattan apartment has been the source of envy for many of her fans, who love her implausible life on a freelancer’s check, but can hardly ever dream to live in an apartment that spacious and chic without a roommate.

RELATED: Sex & The City: 10 Hidden Details You Never Noticed About Carrie's Apartment

But Carrie’s love for her apartment was something everyone could relate to because she cherished it and often talked about how much she loved living there. In fact, even after she and Big got a penthouse in Park Avenue, Carrie held on to her apartment.

7 Heartbreaking: "A Relationship Is Like Couture - If It Doesn't Fit Perfectly, It's A Disaster."

Trust Carrie Bradshaw to draw a flawless parallel between her life and high fashion. This line is so significant because, in Carrie’s case, it’s very true.

She has been in quite a few happy relationships where there were mutual appreciation and respect, but it never worked out because it was never the perfect fit, mainly because Carrie had always only wanted to be with Big. In fact, Carrie said this line to the ex-wife of Alexsander, whose relationship with Carrie was also short-lived.

6 Funniest: "I Was A Huge Fan Of Being Anywhere You Could Smoke And Drink At Two In The Afternoon Without Judgment."

SATC got steadily funnier with each season. In fact, when it came back after a well-received first season, it took a lot of chances with its humor. In the first episode of season 2, Carrie and the girls go out to watch a baseball game. Carrie says, “Miranda was a huge fan of the Yankees. I was a huge fan of being anywhere you could smoke and drink at two in the afternoon without judgment.”

Interestingly, Carrie, who was still reeling from her break-up with Big, pursues a rebound relationship with a very promising young Yankee.

5 Heartbreaking: "It's The Rule Of Life That Everything You Have Always Wanted Comes The Second You Stop Looking For It."

Carrie's observation is surprisingly accurate, at least when it comes to her own love life. Carrie has always wanted to have a committed relationship with Mr. Big, and he has had quite a few issues with the idea of commitment.

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And much to Carrie’s dismay, when he does decide to settle down, he does so by marrying Natasha, just a few months after his break-up with Carrie. And just as Carrie starts moving on and finds love and happiness with Aidan, Big comes back in her life and disrupts her new-found rhythm.

4 Funniest: "When You're A Teenager, All You Want To Do Is Buy Beer. But Once You Hit 30, All You Want To Do Is To Get Carded."

SATC has always been refreshingly honest about the realities of ageism and Carrie, herself, has been very honest about her anxieties about growing older.

In season 3, episode 15, Carrie tries to reconnect with her younger self by starting a relationship with a young man who owns a comic book store and lives with his parents. It is then that she has an epiphany about how women want to get carded because it’s an indicator of how young they look.

3 Funniest: "I Had Often Fantasized About Running Into My Ex And His Wife. But In Those Fantasies, I Was Running Over Them With A Truck."

Everyone wants to have an iconic Bella Hadid post-break-up moment and run into an ex looking like a million bucks on the world's most highly publicized runway. But that was not to be for Carrie, who ran into Big and his new wife Natasha when she was working as the ‘booth bitch’ for her then-boyfriend Aidan’s furniture expo.

To make things worse, she hid under a table because she really didn’t want to be seen, but was sadly discovered by Big.

2 Heartbreaking: "How Do We Know When Enough Is Enough?"

Carrie has only had a few public meltdowns, but one of the most heartbreaking was her realization that she and Big are not on equal footing in their relationship. Big tells Carrie that he has to move to Paris for seven months and she comes to realize that she wasn’t even a factor in his decision-making process, whereas Carrie was quite serious about Big.

“Why do I keep doing this to myself? I must be a masochist or something,” Carrie tells the girls over breakfast as she thinks about whether she should call it off with Big.

1 Funniest: "When Charlotte And I Heard There Was A Woman In Chelsea Not Talking Or Eating, We Were There In A New York Minute."

This line explains how the show was consistently organic and sophisticated with its sense of comedy, and how accurately it captured the vibe of NYC.

Carrie and Charlotte find out about a live art installation with a woman who didn't move for 16 hours straight. It gathered quite an audience, and it was also at this exhibit that Carrie met the celebrated Russian artist, Alexsander Petrovsky, with whom she eventually moved to Paris for a little while.

NEXT: Sex and The City: 5 Carrie Pick Up Lines That Might Actually Work (& 5 That Never Would)

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