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Quentin Tarantino's Deadliest Characters, Ranked By Kill Count


Quentin Tarantino's movies are always masterfully crafted and full of over-the-top violence. The first movie in his career was Reservoir Dogs, a movie about a robbery gone wrong, with the thieves turning on each other which resulted in a total bloodbath.

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From this, Tarantino had his masterpiece with Pulp Fiction, and the violence continued. On top of the great dialogue, the movie had some shocking kills, as it focused on two hitmen among other intertwined stories. Since then, Tarantino dealt with extreme violence in all but one of his movies, and even that one featured a real-life killer as a character in Charles Manson.

10 Mr. White - 4

The first movie Quentin Tarantino ever made was Reservoir Dogs, a crime drama about a heist gone wrong. The movie introduced fans to Tarantino's writing style, with some long stints of dialogue, and it also showcased his panache for huge scenes played out with sudden violence.

The movie didn't have as many kills as people might have expected with 11 deaths total, most of which take place off-screen. The most kills in the movie go to Harvey Keitel's Mr. White, who killed a total of four people. He was a bad guy but was the most moral of the thieves, standing by his friend until he realized Mr. Orange was an undercover cop, and that marked his last kill before the film's abrupt conclusion.

9 Jules & Vincent - 4

Pulp Fiction has a reputation built on gore and violence, but the truth is that there were only seven kills in the entire movie. However, what most people remember when it comes to the violence was when Vincent Vega and Jules Winnfield were together. Out of the seven kills in the movie, Vincent and Jules committed four of them.

Jules killed one of the men who stole Marcellus Wallace's briefcase. The two then gunned down the other two thieves. After this, they took their informant, Marvin, but Vincent accidentally killed him in the car in one of Pulp Fiction's most memorable scenes. For two experienced hitmen, their only kills took place with one group of people, and they didn't kill anyone else for the rest of the movie.

8 Stuntman Mike - 5

Death Proof was a movie about a serial killer named Stuntman Mike. In Tarantino's exploitation film for Grindhouse, Kurt Russell played a man who killed girls using his car, which was designed to protect him and kill anyone sitting in the car with him during accidents.

RELATED: Death Proof & 9 Other Slashers That Mix In A Different Genre

With this in mind, there were only six kills in the entire movie, with Stuntman Mike committing five of them, and the sixth being his death. The difference here is that all the deaths came via car accidents, a very different mode of violence for Tarantino movies.

7 Bill - 7

The two Kill Bill movies had the second most deaths of any of Quentin Tarantino's movies. Kill Bill had some of the most shocking death scenes for a Tarantino movie, and it was two characters who were responsible for most of them. Those were Bill and The Bride.

Bill didn't do it by himself, but he was responsible for killing everyone at The Bride's wedding. It was these seven deaths perpetrated by Bill and his DVA Squad that caused The Bride to set out on her bloody tour of vengeance.

6 Major Marquis Warren - 9

The Hateful Eight was a very violent movie that was polarizing for many fans. One unpopular opinion that some fans have is that The Hateful Eight was a revenge fantasy against Major Marquis Warren. However, despite that, it was Warren who had the most kills in one of Tarantino's most outwardly violent releases.

Major Marquis Warren killed nine people in The Hateful Eight. The fact there are 20 deaths in the movie shows how Tarantino spread the kills out. While Marquis had the biggest kill count, he was also the last one to die in the movie.

5 King Schultz - 18

Django Unchained is a movie that had two main leads, and together they killed 56 people. With 64 deaths in the movie, it was clear that the good guys had a chance to kill more people than the evil men they fought. The movie saw bounty hunter King Schultz rescue a former freeman named Django to get help in retrieving two marks.

While King Schultz killed 18 people in this pre-Hateful Eight Quentin Tarantino western, none were nearly as noteworthy as when Django went on his killing spree. However, he did have nice kills when freeing Django, and then had some mass kills, including taking out nine people in an explosion and killing the main villain, Calvin Candie.

4 The Basterds - 22

The Basterds were the Nazi hunters led by Brad Pitt's Aldo Raine in Inglourious Basterds. Their job during World War II was simple; they dropped into enemy territory and hunted down Nazis in the wooded areas, killing and scalping as many of them as they could.

RELATED: 5 Ways Aldo Raine Is Brad Pitt’s Best Tarantino Role (& 5 It’s Cliff Booth)

The Basterds killed 21 people, with Aldo Raine adding one more at the end of the movie. That was just onscreen, as the movie hinted that there were many more that weren't showcased.

3 Django Freeman - 38

While King Shultz killed 18 people in Django Unchained, that was nothing compared to his partner, Django Freeman. As soon as Shultz freed him, he killed one of his captors, and then he set out to find the wife, who had been taken by the villainous Calvin Candie.

Django made everyone that hurt him pay the price, and he took out most of the people working for Candie, as well. By the end of the movie, Django killed 38 people, including the man who killed Schultz, almost all of Candie's henchmen, and, finally, Stephen, the butler who stuck with Candie to the end.

2 The Bride - 76

The most violent movie in Quentin Tarantino's career was easily Kill Bill. Split into two parts, the movie told the story of a former assassin who wanted to start a new life with a husband only to find her former employer barge in on her wedding and kill her entire wedding party before burying her alive.

The mistake was not killing her; rising from the grave, The Bride set out for vengeance. She killed more people than any single warrior in a Tarantino movie. While there were only eight kills of named victims, she also murdered almost the entire Crazy 88 gang in one of the movie's greatest scenes, putting her kill count at around 76.

1 Omar Ulmer and Donny Donowitz - 236

Omar Ulmer and Donny Donoqitz were members of the Basterds in Inglourious Basterds. They were responsible for many of the kills that the Basterds committed, but they were responsible for a great deal more. The entire allied plan in the movie was to get all the Nazi leaders in one place and kill them all to end the war.

In a shocking moment, their plan is actually successful, as Quentin Tarantino created an alternate history ending. Donny and Omar killed 236 people total, and this includes shooting Adolf Hitler dozens of times, killing Joseph Goebbels, and taking out 234 other Nazis by blowing up the theater. It was a massacre.

NEXT: 10 Things In Tarantino Films You'll Only Notice On A Second Viewing

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