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Young people across Scotland document the impact of climate change

 Young people across Scotland document the impact of climate change Tuesday 2 November, 2021

Hundreds of young people aged 4-18 have participated in a photography competition to document the impact of climate change on their local spaces and places.

The Scottish Civic Trust My Place Photography Competition is an annual competition that encourages young people to use photography to explore their local buildings, architecture and archaeology. To tie into COP26, the theme of the 2021 competition is climate change.

The winning and highly commended entries were announced in a digital ceremony on 29 October.

Leah Kirwin from Mid Calder Primary, West Lothian won the Primary-age category for her photograph ‘Bee Yourself and Take Action’.

Greg Potter from Robert Gordon’s College, Aberdeen won the Secondary-age category for his photograph ‘Global Warming’.

Libby Paxton from Inveralmond Community High School, West Lothian won the Young Persons’ Choice Award for her photograph ‘A Storm Ahead’.

All entries to the 2021 My Place Photography Competition are on display 1-22 November, Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm at Glasgow’s South Block. They can also be viewed online at bit.ly/MPPC2021gallery.

Elizabeth McCrone, member of the My Place Photography Competition 2021 judging panel and Director of Heritage at Historic Environment Scotland, said: “Places are important to us in so many ways and it was fascinating to see how our young people view their places through the lens of climate change. The images powerfully capture the changes in our built and natural environment. The sharing of their observations with us gives real hope for change.”

The My Place Photography Competition is part of Scottish Civic Trust’s work to involve more people in Scotland’s heritage and built environment. The My Place Photography Competition runs in tandem with the My Place Awards, which celebrate community-led built environment projects that have transformed their community.

The competition is supported by Historic Environment Scotland and Jessops and is free to enter. It is open to schools, youth groups, clubs and home-educated young people. To learn more about how to enter for the 2022 My Place Photography Competition, visit myplacescotland.org.uk.



Notes to editors:

For more information, images and interview requests please contact Erin Burke on Erin.Burke@scottishcivictrust.org.uk.

About Scottish Civic Trust

Scottish Civic Trust’s mission is to celebrate Scotland’s built environment, take action for its improvement and empower its communities. The vision which drives this is thriving, beautiful and well cared for buildings and places, which help to support and sustain a high quality of life.

Founded in 1967, Scottish Civic Trust exists to help people connect with their built heritage and take a leading role in guiding its development. In its infancy, it successfully campaigned for the restoration of Edinburgh’s New Town and was instrumental in saving New Lanark – both now part of Scotland’s network of six World Heritage Sites. More information can be found at scottishcivictrust.org.uk.

In addition to these major milestones, Scottish Civic Trust was also the first to bring Doors Open Day to the UK – now the largest free festival of architecture in the UK – which celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2019. More information can be found at doorsopendays.org.uk.

About Historic Environment Scotland

Historic Environment Scotland is the lead public body established to investigate, care for and promote Scotland’s historic environment. They are responsible for more than 300 properties of national importance, which combined draw millions over visitors each year. Their conservation experts provide guidance, training and technical research into Scotland’s built environment. Through their outreach programme, Historic Environment Scotland promotes community and individual learning engagement with Scotland’s heritage. They contribute to the Scottish Government’s strategy to tackle climate change and reduce Scotland’s carbon footprint.

For further information

Erin Burke

Scottish Civic Trust Communications and Events Officer


The Scottish Civic TrustThe Tobacco Merchant’s House42 Miller StreetGlasgow G1 1DT

0141 221 1466





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