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PTI workers take to the streets after Imran’s disqualification

PTI workers take to the streets after Imran’s disqualification

PTI workers across the country took to the streets on Friday in protest after the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) disqualified party chief Imran Khan in the Toshakhana reference in a massive win for the ruling coalition.

The PTI has said that it will challenge the electoral watchdog’s decision in the Islamabad High Court. At the same time, party leader Fawad Chaudhry asked the public to take to streets “for their rights”.

Following the ECP’s verdict, party workers flooded the streets in major cities, including Islamabad, Peshawar, Lahore and Karachi.


In Islamabad, a large number of PTI workers and supporters converged on Faizabad Interchange where police resorted to tear gas shelling to prevent the protesters from marching towards Islamabad.

The workers blocked the main road and set tyres ablaze, suspending traffic on the artery.

A few dozen protesters tried to block one key artery into Islamabad and were pushed back with teargas, said police official Sohail Khan.

He said that the protesters attacked the police with bricks, injuring three officials, and had tried unsuccessfully to block others roads in the capital as well.

In the evening, Islamabad police issued an update saying that the route from Faizabad towards Islamabad had been opened. “The route from Islamabad will also be opened soon,” police said, adding that some citizens were setting trees on fire and hampering the flow of traffic.

The PTI leadership present at the spot and other workers who are damaging the property have been identified, police said, adding that action would be taken in accordance with the law.

Earlier, Islamabad police said that citizens had the right to protest peacefully but blocking roads and damaging state property was against the law.

“The governments of other provinces are requested to stop the movement of illegal protests headed for the federal capital,” police said, adding that tear gas was being used in Faizabad in light of the situation.

Police also appealed to elders, women, and children to avoid unnecessary travel. “Citizens are requested to keep routes leading to hospitals open,” police added.


In Karachi, the PTI workers gathered outside the party’s office located on Sharea Faisal. A police contingent also reached the scene in order to pre-empt any untoward situation.

Traffic on the thoroughfare was disrupted as the number of protesters began to grow. Police also deployed water canons in light of the looming threat of violence.

Visuals shared by the party’s official Twitter account showed Ali Haider Zaidi and other leaders taking part in what it dubbed a “peaceful protest”.

Meanwhile, Karachi Administrator Murtaza Wahab said the PTI’s protest against the ECP verdict was “beyond comprehension”. In a statement, he said the PTI must accept the electoral watchdog’s decision.


In Peshawar, groups of supporters, dozens each in size, blocked a number of key roads including the highway connecting the city to the capital Islamabad, to the dismay of drivers.

Visuals shared by the party’s official Twitter account showed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa minister Taimur Khan Jhagra leading a protest in Peshawar.

“I am going to our village for the weekend with my family and was waiting in the car for more than two hours as the roads are blocked by the PTI workers,” said Hameed Khan in Peshawar.

“We didn’t disqualify their leader, then why do they punish us?”

Other cities

Dozens of PTI supporters also blocked roads in Lahore, setting fire to tyres.

A video of Rahim Yar Khan showed workers blocking a road and burning tyres.

Another showed a large number of protesters gathered in Mardan.

Sanaullah warns protesters against creating law and order situation

Separately, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah urged the PTI protesters to refrain from creating issues for the public by blocking roads and disrupting traffic.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, he called on the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa leadership to “solve the issues of the public and dispel the 20-30 followers of this thief”.

The minister said that he had asked the security agencies about the number of people participating in the protests, adding that they were not more than 50.

He termed the lack of public reaction to Imran’s disqualification as “deeply saddening”. He went on to ask the Punjab police and administration to “obey” the state instead of following Imran’s directives.

Sanaullah said that the protesters should approach the court against the ECP’s verdict, instead of creating difficulties for the public. “Do not punish the people for the sins and robbery that you have committed”, he added.

Additional input from Reuters

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