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Man, 18, killed and boy, 16, seriously wounded after being stabbed in taxi


The 16-year-old's injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.

Hall Lane Brentwood Terrace in Armley, Leeds - where the attack happened.
The attack happened at Hall Lane Brentwood Terrace in Armley, Leeds (Picture: MEN Media)

A teenager has died and another was seriously wounded following a ‘violent attack’ in Leeds.

They were in a taxi at Hall Lane Brentwood Terrace in Armley, when they were set upon by three suspects in another car on Friday evening.

Paramedics called police at 5.29pm and the teenagers were taken to hospital where the 18-year-old was pronounced dead a short time later.

The 16-year-old was treated for serious injruies but they are not believed to be life-threatening.

West Yorkshire Police have now launched a murder investigation

Detective chief inspector Lee Townley, from the homicide and major inquiry team, said: ‘Extensive inquiries are being carried out in relation to this murder investigation.

‘Our thoughts remain with the victim who has lost his life as a result of a violent attack on the streets of Leeds.

A man has died and another is seriously injured following a stabbing in a Leeds district yesterday evening, March 31. Police swarmed Hall Lane and Brentwood Terrace in Armley shortly before 5.30pm. Two teenagers, aged 16 and 18, were rushed to hospital with serious injuries. Sadly, the 18-year-old died in hospital a short time later. West Yorkshire Police have launched a murder investigation and a cordon is in place in Armley today, April 1, while crime scene investigators collect evidence and carry out specialist searches. Anyone with any information is asked to contact police on 101 or use the live chat facility here, quoting log number 1331 of March 31. Information can also be given anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Police cordons are in the area while forensic examinations are taking place (Picture: MEN Media)

‘We are working to establish the full circumstances surrounding this incident.

‘What we do know is that the two males were in a taxi at the time when they were attacked by three suspects in another vehicle.

‘I would appeal urgently to anyone who was in the area last night, who may have dashcam footage, or CCTV or mobile phone footage of anything suspicious to come forward.

‘This incident will undoubtably cause concern in the community and we are working with our colleagues in the neighbourhood policing team to step up patrols and provide extra reassurance.’

Police cordons are in place while forensic examinations and specialist searches will be carried out in the surrounding area.

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