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After three years of absolute hell we won The Sun on Sunday £25k’s Dream Wedding competition


INTENSIVE care nurse Elizabeth Harrison suffered three years of “absolute hell” while caring for dying patients during Covid, then watching as her own baby daughter battled for life.

But now she and fiancé Adam Parker have something to smile about after winning The Sun on Sunday’s £25,000 Dream Wedding competition.

Elizabeth Harrison and fiancé Adam Parker are celebrating after winning The Sun on Sunday’s £25,000 Dream Wedding competition
Elizabeth and Adam’s baby daughter Lily is finally home from hospital after spending seven months in intensive care

With baby Lily, who weighed 1lb 7oz, finally home after seven desperate months in hospital, the time is right to celebrate.

Elizabeth, 31, said: “It feels like winning the Lottery.

“Lily was so poorly. There were so many times we were told she might not make it.

“Now she has just turned one and she’s a bright, bubbly baby and has a real power-house of a personality.

Our competition offered the chance for one couple to tie the knot at the Principal York hotel in North Yorks.

The package includes a four-course breakfast, hog roast, suits, bridesmaid dresses, a cake, flowers, wine, rings, favours, entertainment and photography.

Elizabeth said: “I love The Sun on Sunday.

“My dad Fred buys it every week and we love York because we used to go there when we were dating.”

The pair met in 2012 while studying law at Sunderland University.

It was love at first sight, but it took Adam two years to finally ask Elizabeth out.

He said: “I am a bit shy.

“I wanted to ask Elizabeth but didn’t have the courage, so I asked her if she wanted to come shopping for jeans instead.”

When Lord Of The Rings superfan Adam finally took Elizabeth on a date, it was to see The Hobbit.

He said: “I was so nervous I had to go watch the film again the next day because I didn’t pay any attention.”

Five years later, on January 2, 2019, Adam proposed — but that did not go smoothly either.

He said: “We went to Edinburgh for New Year.

“I had the ring in my pocket and wanted to propose on New Year’s Day.

“But every time I was about to ask, we were interrupted by people.

“The next day it was my birthday and I took her to Edinburgh Zoo.

“I think she knew something was afoot when I was wearing a three-piece suit.

“She said yes straight away.”

The couple returned home to the flat they share in Hartlepool, above the pub where Adam works as a manager.

And Elizabeth started her first job as an intensive care nurse at the University Hospital of North Tees.

She told us: “The only thing we’ve got from our degrees is each other!

“But it was money and time well spent.

“We started planning for our wedding but then Covid hit. In hospital what I witnessed was so difficult to deal with.”

The couple saved up and finally had enough for a wedding deposit.

Adam said: “Then we found out Elizabeth was pregnant.

“It was a total surprise.

“We had to use the money we had saved to buy a cot and pram instead.”

Elizabeth added: “I had a difficult pregnancy.

“I got to 27 weeks before Lily was born. It was terrifying.”

The tot underwent surgery at two weeks old to close a duct in her heart which had not developed properly.

She was then placed on a ventilator.

Adam said: “Several times we were told to consider end-of-life care for her.

“When Lily pulled through I felt like we’d used up all our luck.

“Winning a dream wedding feels surreal.”

Tim Winter
Elizabeth and Adam married at the stunning Principal hotel, York[/caption]
Elizabeth’s dress was provided by David’s Bridal

Thanks to generous prize guys

HERE are our contest prize providers:

The venue: The Principal hotel, York

Bride’s dress, shoes, headpiece, jewellery: David’s Bridal
Savile Row suit: Kabiru Abu

Wedding rings: London jewellers Hatton Garden

Sparkling wine: House Coren

Bridesmaid dresses: TH&TH

Groomsmen suits: Suit Direct

Music: Encore Musicians live band

Flowers: Lottie Roberts Flowers

Cake: Apple Tree Cakery York

Stationery: VistaPrint

Favours: Hubble & Bubble

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