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Love Island’s Will Young sparks baby rumours as he leaves UK with Jessie Wynter


LOVE Island star Will Young has sparked pregnancy speculation after he branded girlfriend Jessie Wynter his ‘baby muma’.

The loved up duo are currently flying to Australia so Jessie can reunite with her family for the first time since doing the show.

Will Young and Jessie Wynter have jetted off to Australia
Will called Jessie his baby muma

Farmer Will, 23, made his feelings about Jessie, 26, very clear as he shared a snap of her sleeping on the plane, proudly writing: “That’s my baby muma.”

He also teased his fans that he might end up staying Down Under forever.

Earlier in the day Jessie shared a series of snaps from the airport, telling their followers:  “And we’re off ✈ I have had the most incredible last few months here in the UK but, it’s finally time for me to return home to see my family who I have been away from since Christmas.

“I’m so so so excited to be bringing my amazing boyfriend home to meet them though !!

“I have absolutely fallen in love with the UK and my new home away from home with Will and his family on the farm and cannot wait to come back, but for now.. it’s time to enjoy Australia ❤.”

Will surprised Jessie last week when he told her he was able to travel with her after fears he would have to stay behind and work the farm.

Since appearing on the show over winter, Will has dropped numerous hints that he thinks Jessie is “marriage material” and that he plans to propose to her.

And it’s not the first time he’s raised eyebrows about babies, he previously posted a snap of Jessie on his Instagram story, showing her in a supermarket posing down the baby aisle and surrounded by nappies.

He captioned it: “How cute does Jessie look.”

Since leaving the Love Island villa in South Africa earlier this year Jessie and Will have shunned the usual reality star party scene for a quiet life on his farm.

Jessie previously told The Sun: “We haven’t really been doing that much partying, we’ve just been having wholesome times out on the farm.

“We are extremely grateful for the love and support we’ve had on social media. I just think it’s so beautiful. 

“It’s really important to be together in first few months because it could be intense for couples.

“But focusing on us and doing what’s best for our relationship is working for us.”

The pair were very excited about the trip
Will previously posted this picture of Jessie – leaving fans baffled
Will and Jessie have been dating since Love Island at the start of the year

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