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New research looks into number of young people dying from alcohol, drugs and suicide

New research looks into number of young people dying from alcohol, drugs and suicide

The yearly analysis, titled "Pain In The Nation," contains state-by-state data on how many young people are dying from alcohol, drugs and suicide.

(KXAN) -- School is out for summer break and many kids may be spending more time on social media, but there's a warning that comes with that.

The U.S. Surgeon General said social media risks are adding to the mental health challenges children, teens and young adults are facing.

An urgent warning backed up by a new report from non-profit Trust for America’s Health, or TFAH.

The yearly analysis, titled "Pain In The Nation," contains state-by-state data on how many young people are dying from alcohol, drugs and suicide.

“At the national level, we have an 11% increase in those deaths in 2021 which is the latest available data,” said Rhea Farberman with TFAH.

“Breaking out the numbers a bit, the alcohol death rate increase was 10%. The drug overdose increased 14%. And the suicide increase 4%.”

Farberman said the numbers point to an alarming trend over the years, “in terms of youth suicide over the last decade, that number is up just a startling 71%.”

The statistics coincide with the recent advisory from the Surgeon General on the risks social media apps have on youth mental health.

“Social media can have potential benefits for kids in terms of connecting with peers and family and friends,” said Farberman. “But there's a lot of risk as well in terms of bullying and lowering self-esteem and lowering self-image. So really, what parents ought to do is talk to their kids about their social media use, and how it makes them feel.”

The report from TFAH looked at data from each state. “Over 12,000 Texans lost their lives to either substance abuse or suicide, largely driven by drug overdose drug overdose for up 19%,” said Farberman.  

The non-profit said policy makers need to double down and invest more money into harm reduction programs to reverse the trend.

“You can spend it now or you can spend it later. We believe in spending on prevention so we can save money and save lives down the road. But it's an all of society effort. Government has a role to play but schools also have a role to play, families have a role to play, employers have a role to play. It's going to take a multisector effort.”

If you or someone you know if suffering, call 988 for help.

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