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76ers reach agreement with Nick Nurse for head coaching position


Adrian Wojnarowski: ESPN Sources: Nick Nurse has reached an agreement to become the next coach of the Philadelphia 76ers. Nurse — who won an NBA championship and a coach of year award with Toronto — now gets to coach the 2023 MVP Joel Embiid.
Source: Twitter @wojespn

What’s the buzz on Twitter?

Adrian Wojnarowski @wojespn
ESPN story on Nick Nurse agreeing to become the Philadelphia 76ers’ coach: tinyurl.com/487j3k5n5:16 PM
Evan Sidery @esidery
With Nick Nurse off to Philadelphia, four finalists remain for the Suns’ head coach opening:
Kevin Young
Jordi Fernandez
Doc Rivers
Frank Vogel – 5:15 PM
Vivek Jacob @vivekmjacob
Nick Nurse a sicko he coulda had KD, Book and Phoenix weather but said nah gimme the Raps four times with an MVP centre 😈 – 5:13 PM
Kyle Neubeck @KyleNeubeck
Nick Nurse is the Sixers’ guy. Initial thoughts:
phillyvoice.com/sixers-news-ph…5:08 PM
Alvaro Martin @AlvaroNBAMartin
El desenlace de Finales del Este y el que @Sixers fiche a Nick Nurse son temas a tocar en #PlayoffsAlDía del martes. Casi nada. Nos acompaña @CasalanguidaN. Manda tu pregunta y meme por adelantado.
Disfrútalo por @ElMercurio_DEP, @OvacionUy y las plataformas de @RitmoNBA. pic.twitter.com/NAQ9iTpSii5:06 PM
Rich Hoffman @rich_hofmann
I wrote about Nick Nurse more than any other Sixers coaching candidate last week, so much so that we used the picture of him and Joel as the cover art: theathletic.com/4539891/2023/0…
It’s a fascinating pairing on a lot of levels. – 5:02 PM
Vivek Jacob @vivekmjacob
We’re going from Patrick Beverley and Russell Westbrook becoming teammates this season to Nick Nurse becoming Joel Embiid’s head coach next season. NBA got that WWE script locked down. – 5:00 PM
Keith Pompey @PompeyOnSixers
A source said Nick Nurse is work working on a multi-year deal with the Sixers to be the long term coach. – 4:59 PM
Austin Kent @AustinKent
Nick Nurse signing as the head coach of the Philadelphia 76ers he helped push into an existential crisis back in 2019 >>>>> pic.twitter.com/4UpuRTAQKJ4:56 PM
Alvaro Martin @AlvaroNBAMartin
El desenlace de Finales del Este y el que @Sixersfichen a Nick Nurse son temas a tocar en #PlayoffsAlDía del martes. Casi nada. Nos acompaña @CasalanguidaN. Manda tu pregunta y meme por adelantado.
Disfrútalo por @ElMercurio_DEP, @OvacionUy y las plataformas de @RitmoNBA. pic.twitter.com/Zav3Spf8rf4:56 PM
Emiliano Carchia @Sportando
76ers to hire Nick Nurse as head coach
sportando.basketball/en/76ers-to-hi…4:54 PM
Gina Mizell @ginamizell
Can confirm via a league source that Nick Nurse has agreed to become the Sixers’ next head coach. – 4:52 PM
Austin Krell @NBAKrell
Team source confirms: Nick Nurse is next head coach of the Sixers. – 4:52 PM
The Philadelphia 76ers have reportedly agreed to hire Nick Nurse as their next head coach
cbssports.com/nba/news/nick-…4:51 PM
Eurohoops @Eurohoopsnet
Nick Nurse, the 2019 NBA champion as head coach of the Toronto Raptors, to succeed Doc Rivers at the helm of the Philadelphia 76ers
eurohoops.net/en/nba-news/15…4:51 PM
Jon Johnson @jonjohnsonwip
Sixers fans should be happy with hiring of Nick Nurse. – 4:49 PM
Justin Grasso @JGrasso_
The #Sixers are planning to hire Nick Nurse to become the new head coach, a source confirms – 4:49 PM
Adrian Wojnarowski @wojespn
ESPN Sources: Nick Nurse has reached an agreement to become the next coach of the Philadelphia 76ers. Nurse — who won an NBA championship and a coach of year award with Toronto — now gets to coach the 2023 MVP Joel Embiid. pic.twitter.com/SrsXhzx7Y34:44 PM
Emiliano Carchia @Sportando
Nick Nurse in High Demand: Philadelphia 76ers and Phoenix Suns Compete for Former Raptors Coach
sportando.basketball/en/nick-nurse-…4:37 AM
Gery Woelfel @GeryWoelfel
The Toronto Raptors had one winning record in the last 3 yrs in a mediocre Eastern Conf., and yet Raptors HC Nick Nurse and Raptors lead asst. Adrian Griffin were 2 of the 3 finalists for the Bucks HC position. Griffin would up with the gig.
Just another classic example of why… – 8:35 PM

More on this storyline

“Paolo is a player that I know extremely well,” Hill commented. “I’ve followed his college basketball career and I was able to see his progress this season as a rookie multiple times since I live in Orlando. Paolo is an extraordinary talent and he’s already a top player in the league. For sure, he’s one of those players that we’re following for the World Cup and also for the future of Team USA.” -via BasketNews / May 29, 2023

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