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Angry Britain’s Got Talent viewers hit out at ‘fartist’ Ichikawa Koikuchi as he fails to impress judges


BRITAIN’S Got Talent viewers have hit out at ‘fartist’ Ichikawa Koikuchi after he took to the stage for the semi-finals and failed to impress judges.

Ichikawa’s BGT routine sees him blow out candles, set off a party horn and pop a balloon with his own farts.

BGT fans were less than impressed with ‘fartist’ Ichikawa Koikuchi[/caption]
The judges had their heads in their hands[/caption]

But tonight things didn’t exactly go to plan for the performer as he left viewers and judges less than blown away.

His act saw him attempt to fart along to a song, but the judges pressed their buzzers to show their disappointment.

And viewers on social media said it was “unfair” that the performer took the space of someone else who could’ve gone through to the semi-finals.

One person wrote: “An act that deserved to go through missed out because of this.”

Another said: “A grown man farting on live tv… and that is talent… oh deary me.”

A third person penned: “It’s embarrassing that this act is even being shown…”

It’s not the first time the act has come under fire for his performance.

Broadcasting watchdog Ofcom has told The Sun it received 66 official complaints shortly after his audition was broadcast.

It added: “Complaints related to a performance by self-proclaimed ‘fartist’ Ichikawa Koikuchi.”

Despite his odd performance, he received three yeses from the judges when he auditioned and was sent through to the semi-finals.

Many fans slammed the show as a “fix”, as he’s already been on TV with his comedy act before.

Although new judge Bruno Tonioli described the act as “torture,” the three other judges found Koikuchi’s performance funny at the time – although they were less than impressed this year around.

Simon Cowell even joined the act on stage for a final trick and assured his co-stars: “It’s not fake, it’s real”.

Amanda Holden and Alesha Dixon ended up in hysterics, while Bruno questioned if the act was right for King Charles.

Viewers on social media said it was “unfair” that the performer took the space of someone else[/caption]

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