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A Place In The Sun’s Jonnie Irwin shares worrying health update as he battles terminal lung cancer


A PLACE In The Sun’s Jonnie Irwin has shared a worrying health update as he battles terminal lung cancer.

The 49-year-old revealed on social media he was in hospital after being admitted earlier this week. 

Not known, clear with picture desk
A Place in The Sun presenter Jonnie Irwin is in hospital[/caption]
Johnnie is battling terminal cancer
Jonnie recently revealed lung cancer almost ended his life on two separate occasions

The much-loved TV show host is bravely battling terminal cancer after he was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2020, which has since spread to his brain.

He took to Instagram today to give fans an update on his journey.

The post read: “In hospital this week monitoring a changeover in my pain management regime.

“Fingers crossed I’ll be out in time to make an appearance on Sunday for this weekends @aplaceinthesunofficial LIVE event at @olympialondon in Kensington.

“Hope to see you there.”

Fans shared their support for the presenter and wished him a speedy recovery.

“Fingers crossed for you, hope you get the pain relief you need! Loved you on that show,” an Instagram user said.

“Sending best wishes Jonny! You’re my favourite on A Place in the Sun and on Escape,” another added.

Jonnie’s update comes just a week after he shared his brutal battle with cancer on a podcast.

Father-of-three Jonnie said: “I have been close to death’s door, twice at least.”

Doctors told him he only had six months to live when they discovered lung cancer two-and-a-half years ago.

He defied those predictions, despite the fatal condition spreading to his brain.

In a new podcast titled OneChat, Jonnie explained: “I am living with cancer rather than dying from cancer.”

Finding a silver lining in the horrific situation, Jonnie said that living with cancer had meant he was able to spend more time with his three boys – Rex, three, and two-year-old twins Rafa and Cormac.

Jonnie, who is married to Jessica Holmes, said: “I’ve been home more than ever before and I’m lucky to have seen every bit of their upbringing, and see how they change. 

“That makes me very proud. And I’m kind of thankful for that.”

He also feels more like his true self since publicly announcing last November that he had the fatal condition.

Jonnie added: “The day I came out and told the world that I had cancer, terminal cancer, is the day I started living again.

“It’s like being Jonnie Irwin again and I actually feel alive.”

But he admitted the brain therapy has had a devastating effect on his personality.

Jonnie said: “You lose your memory, you lose your patience. I have got a very short temper.

“It’s not made me a better person, that’s for sure.”

A Place in the Sun said they didn’t want to replace Jonnie, but were no longer able to insure him when he was filming abroad.

In the podcast interview, Jonnie said he kept the diagnosis a secret because he “had to pay the bills” and revealed how he felt about the treatment he received from show bosses.

He said: “As soon as you say you’ve got cancer, people just write you off, people just think you are going to cark it.

“Unfortunately, one of the companies claimed they couldn’t insure me and so they didn’t renew my contract and left a massive hole in my income.

“I felt like I’d been thrown on a scrap heap. They recruited within a week and then I saw someone else doing my job.”

In March he posted a selfie of himself and co-host Jasmine Harman at A Place In the Sun’s live show in Manchester but was quick to explain that it didn’t mean he had returned to the show.


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The star, married to Jessica Holmes, said he’s lucky to see his children grow up
North News and Pictures
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The former A Place in the Sun presenter spoke about how he was treated by show bosses[/caption]

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