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Georgia May Jagger Gets Sporty in Mesh Crop Top, Shorts and White Sneakers for Alo Yoga


The model's all-black outfit brought a sleek take to sporty summer dressing.

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Georgia May Jagger brought a bold take to off-duty dressing on social media.

On Wednesday, Jagger lounged at home — as seen on her Instagram Stories – in an all-black outfit from Alo Yoga. The model’s attire featured the brand’s matte $65 Airlift Intrigue bra, paired with a matching thong. However, this wasn’t her only matching moment for the occasion.

Georgia May Jagger, Alo, Alo Yoga, athleisure, crop top, shorts, thong, bra, sports bra, all black, all black outfit, summer outfit, athletic outfit, sport outfit

Atop the base pieces, Jagger also layered a second all-black Alo Yoga set: the label’s $78 Chase the Sun open-knit shorts and their matching $128 crop top, creating a coordinating mesh effect.

When it came to shoes, Jagger’s footwear could not be seen. However, it’s highly likely the Burberry muse’s outfit was finished with a pair of athletic sneakers — similar to many of the lace-up styles on Alo’s own site — or that she even opted to go barefoot, given her posts’ relaxed appearance.

Georgia May Jagger, Alo, Alo Yoga, athleisure, crop top, shorts, thong, bra, sports bra, all black, all black outfit, summer outfit, athletic outfit, sport outfit

Jagger’s Alo moment notably followed her appearance in the brand’s 01 campaign earlier this month, where she posed in its black round-necked leotard and white socks. Her attire – as seen on Instagram — was completed with a pair of the brand’s white runner-style lace-up sneakers, finished by brown rubber outsoles for a retro touch.

When it comes to footwear, Jagger’s shoe style is often sleek and edgy. The daughter of Mick Jagger and supermodel Jerry Hall often wears open-toed sandals, pumps and platform heels in a wide range of textures and dark colors — often accented by stud embellishments — from brands including Gucci and Charlotte Olympia.

Off-duty, she can also be seen in combat boots and sneakers from brands including Louis Vuitton and Dr. Martens. As a model, Jagger has also starred in campaigns and fashion shows for numerous labels over the years, including Fendi, Tommy Hilfiger, Wrangler, Mulberry and Hudson Jeans.

About the Author:

Aaron Royce is the Assistant Digital Editor for Footwear News, where he writes stories on celebrity style, brand collaborations and in-depth profile interviews. As a day-to-night dresser, he favors boots, loafers and vintage-inspired denim that can be worn from the office to any number of after-hours soirées — particularly with a ‘90s grunge or punk rock-inspired twist. In his spare time, Royce enjoys reading, discovering New York’s secret gardens and hunting for the perfect pair of combat boots.

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