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Cruise ship passenger mysteriously disappears as it returns to port


Despite the 'exhaustive' search, investigators found no trace of the missing person.

Kevin McGrath mysteriously vanished from his cabin on a Carnival cruise to the Bahamas
Kevin McGrath mysteriously vanished from his cabin on a Carnival cruise to the Bahamas (Picture: AP/Miami-Dade Police)

Police are searching for answers after a man disappeared from a cruise shipshortly before it returned to port in Florida.

Kevin McGrath, 26, went on a cruise from Miami to Bimini in the Bahamas over Labor Day Weekend.

But when the ship returned to port on Monday morning, McGrath was nowhere to be found. He was reported missing by family members after he failed to show up at a planned breakfast that same morning.

His disappearance sparked a massive search of the ship by crew members and police officers.

The last person to see McGrath was his brother, who saw him enter his cabin around 2.00am on Monday morning, Miami-Dade Police said.

Despite the ‘exhaustive’ search, investigators found no trace of the missing person, Carnival Cruise Lines said.

McGrath was not detected by the ship’s surveillance systems, and a search of security cameras conducted by the police confirmed he did not fall overboard.

The US Coast Guard also responded to assist with the search, sending a helicopterto search the waters around the ship. They did not find any trace of the missing man.

Florida officials launched a large-scale investigation after a cruise passenger mysteriously disappeared shortly before the ship returned to Port of Miami on Monday. The passenger, identified as Kevin McGrath, was aboard a Carnival Cruise from Miami to Bimini, Bahamas, over the Labor Day holiday weekend but was reported missing following an ?extensive search? upon the vessel?s docking. The 26-year-old was set to meet his family for breakfast ahead of the ship?s return, however, his family said that he never showed up for the meal, Miami-Dade Police told The Post. His family reported him missing at approximately 7 a.m. on Monday. After being unable to locate McGrath, the cruise company contacted the Coast Guard and Miami police. ?The guest was not detected by surveillance systems, including US Customs and Border Patrol during the debarkation process,? the spokesperson added. ?A search of the ship?s cameras and security devices did not indicate he went overboard,? a police spokesperson told The Post. Miami-Dade Police issued a missing person?s alert Tuesday, saying McGrath was last seen in a black shirt, shorts and gray sneakers at around 2 a.m. Monday. Authorities described McGrath as being 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighing 170 pounds, and having brown hair and brown eyes.
A missing person notice was issued for Kevin McGrath after he disappeared from the Carnival Conquest (Picture: Miami-Dade Police)

He was also not detected by surveillance systems used by US Customs and Border Patrol during the debarkation process, Carnival Cruise Line said.

The Miami-Dade Police Department has now issued a missing person notice for McGrath, who they say was last seen wearing a black t-shirt, black shorts, and gray sneakers.

The disappearance happened just over three months after another Carnival Cruise passenger disappeared from the Carnival Magic in Norfolk, Virginia.

After reviewing security footage, crew members determined that the victim, Ronnie Peale, fell overboard from the ship around 4.00am the morning of his disappearance.

The Coast Guard conducted a search of the area, but found no trace of the missing man.

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