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Scandal as Champions League hopefuls play out ‘fixed’ draw before boss is SACKED, captains banned and every player fined


BELGIAN football has been rocked by a major scandal after two teams played out a ‘fixed’ draw.

Westerlo and Genk drew 1-1 with each other in their final Belgian Pro League fixture of the season on March 17.

Westerlo players passed the ball amongst themselves as the two teams played out a 1-1 draw[/caption]
Genk were happy not to push for a winner after scoring a late equaliser[/caption]
Players even shook hands before the full-time whistle[/caption]
Genk manager Wouter Vrancken was spotted laughing on the touchline[/caption]
Headline: Scandal as Champions League hopefuls play out 'fixed' draw before boss is SACKED, captains banned and every player fined, , | Players from KVC Westerlo and KRC Genk looked happy with the draw.  #WESGNK, , https://twitter.com/ElevenBeFR/status/1769450997779230842
While referee Lawrence Visser appeared bemused by the situation

But the two teams stopped playing after Bryan Heynen equalised for Genk in the 86th minute.

Despite having an extra man following a Genk red card, Westerlo passed the ball amongst themselves as both teams were happy to see the game out with the score level.

One Genk player even decided to undergo fitness exercises and players shook hands before the full-time whistle instead of trying to go for the win.

That is because Westerlo needed just a point to escape relegation, while Genk only needed one point to finish sixth and secure qualification for the Championship round.

They beat Gent to the last qualification spot by that single point and will now challenge for the league title, which offers an automatic place in the Champions League.

But the result has been met with backlash as Belgian FA chiefs slammed a “sham of fairness” and a “parody” and have now issued fines on all 21 players on the pitch and bans for the two captains and both coaches.

The two clubs could also be fined £8,500 over what the Federal Prosecutor’s Office has labelled “blatant fraud”.

Both captains and managers have received a two-match ban but Westerlo went one step further by sacking boss Rik De Mil.

Westerlo have sacked manager Rik De Mil[/caption]


The club released a statement explaining their decision which read: “The club has terminated the contract with head coach Rik De Mil with immediate effect.

“Despite considering long-term collaboration, we found it necessary to make this decision.

“The club regrets having to take this measure but cannot accept that its values and norms would be questioned. We thank Rik for his performance and dedication, and wish him every success in the future.”

The Prosecutor’s Office slammed the two managers for their role in the affair, suggesting they were best placed to prevent the fiasco from unfolding.

A statement read: “The only people who could have stopped this unsporting scene because they could influence the players were the coaches, which did not happen (consciously).

“It is impossible to determine who took the initiative, and no one would feel called upon to make statements about it.

“It is absolutely unbelievable that they could not stop this spectacle.”

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