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Thorpe Park finally announces open date for Hyperia – here’s when the UK’s tallest & fastest rollercoaster will launch


THORPE Park has finally announced when Hyperia, its brand new rollercoaster, is set to open.

Last year, the theme park announced that it would be opening the UK’s tallest and fastest rollercoaster, which has since been named Hyperia.

Thorpe Park has finally announced an opening date for Hyperia[/caption]
Thorpe Park
The UK’s tallest and fastest rollercoaster will open later this year[/caption]
Thorpe Park
Construction has finished on the brand new rollercoaster[/caption]

However, the launch date for the new ride was only known to be some time in 2024.

Now the park has released a new video, providing further details about what guests can expect from the coaster, including its exact opening date.

The footage shows a digital rendering of the ride, providing a glimpse of the experience awaiting park-goers later this year.

Throughout the video, captions appear, reading: “Get ready to ride the UK’s tallest and fastest rollercoaster reaching heights of 236ft and speeds exceeding 80mph.

“Soar along 995m of twisted track and experience weightlessness like never before.”

The video ends by revealing the opening date for the ride, which has now been confirmed as Friday May 24, 2024.

The news has also been confirmed on the Thorpe Park website, with a small paragraph that states: “From May 24, we’re taking thrills to incredible new heights with ‘Hyperia’ — the UK’s tallest and fastest rollercoaster.

“Reaching heights of 236ft and speeds of over 80mph, once you’ve experienced Hyperia you’ll never fear again.”

Theme park fans were excited at seeing the video, published via the park’s YouTube channel, with some even labelling the event “historic”.

One commented: “On the 24th of May, the UK theme park industry changes forever!”

Another wrote: “This thing is going to be insane, I cant wait.”

A third added: “So excited for this, an historic day for the UK!”

An opening date had been expected, after the track was finally completed earlier this month.

The attraction took 5,292 man-hours to build in total, with the park announcing that the final bit of track had been laid a couple of weeks ago.

When it opens, it will feature several variations of loops meaning riders will be upside down for a large portion of the ride.

Those on board will be spun around enough to experience “weightlessness” while a ‘splashdown’ element means daredevils will get a soaking as they glide over a lake.

Neil Poulter, Divisional Director at Thorpe Park, said: “We’re delighted to be launching the UK’s tallest, fastest and most weightless ride here – which has been years in the making.

“We are excited for thrill seekers to be able to experience Hyperia which will be an amazing addition to our other record-breaking rides.”

Hacks to avoid waiting for hours at theme parks

For anyone hoping to ride Hyperia this year, without getting stuck in long queues, some theme park experts have some hacks that could help cut down waiting times.

Firstly, guests should consider skipping lunch and instead using that time to go on their favourite rollercoasters.

Guests tend to visit food stalls or restaurants between 12 and 2pm, making it a good time to head to some of the bigger rides.

However, getting to the park as early as possible will also improve your chances of going on the best rides before the queues form.

Those who do arrive early are advised to go to the rides towards the back of the park first, as those will be the ones that have the fewest people lining up.

Meanwhile, Thorpe Park has also confirmed that two of its rides have permanently closed.

And Legoland has delayed the launch of its brand new rollercoaster – here’s why.

Thorpe Park
Guests will be able to ride Hyperia from May 24 this year[/caption]

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