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Premier League manager will turn down Man United role if offer arrives, West Ham more likely

Premier League manager will turn down Man United role if offer arrives, West Ham more likely

Wolves are planning to offer manager Gary O’Neil a contract extension amid interest in the English coach from Man United and West Ham. It was reported this week by ESPN that the Manchester club want to speak to the Wolverhampton Wanderers head coach about a role in a potential new coaching setup at Old Trafford. New Man United part-owner […]

The post Premier League manager will turn down Man United role if offer arrives, West Ham more likely appeared first on CaughtOffside.

Wolves are planning to offer manager Gary O’Neil a contract extension amid interest in the English coach from Man United and West Ham.

It was reported this week by ESPN that the Manchester club want to speak to the Wolverhampton Wanderers head coach about a role in a potential new coaching setup at Old Trafford.

New Man United part-owner Sir Jim Ratcliffe is currently filling key positions with high-quality people at the Premier League giants and the manager’s job could be up for grabs at the end of the season.

However, the ESPN report suggests that O’Neil could be offered a position as an assistant manager or an alternative coaching role, with talkSPORT stating that the Wolves boss will turn down any job in a lesser position than what he currently holds at Molineux.

West Ham have also taken note of the work O’Neil has done at Wolves and Bournemouth across the last two seasons and the 40-year-old could be a potential replacement for David Moyes.

The Englishman is more likely to accept this offer as it is a head coach role and he spent two years of his playing career with the Hammers.

Wolves' Gary O'Neil has been linked to Man United
Wolves’ Gary O’Neil has been linked to Man United

Why do Man United want Gary O’Neil from Wolves?

O’Neil has done exceptional work over the last two seasons with both Bournemouth and Wolves. The 40-year-old kept the Cherries in the Premier League and currently has his team sitting ninth in the table.

His work at the Midlands club is even more impressive considering that he only took over at Molineux days before the season started.

It is not a surprise that Premier League clubs have taken note of his work but they are unlikely to get the Wolves boss anytime soon as the Molineux outfit are plotting to offer the Englishman an extension, reports talkSPORT.

The post Premier League manager will turn down Man United role if offer arrives, West Ham more likely appeared first on CaughtOffside.

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