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Arik Armstead felt 'disrespected' by 49ers after signing with Jaguars in free agency

Arik Armstead felt 'disrespected' by 49ers after signing with Jaguars in free agency

For the first time in his career, Arik Armstrong isn't playing for the 49ers, and he voiced his displeasure with them after signing with the Jaguars in free agency.

Arik Armstead voiced his displeasure with the San Francisco 49ers, the team he played nine seasons with but left on bad terms in free agency after signing with the Jacksonville Jaguars

Armstead’s latest "Third and Long" podcast episode saw him talk about his free agency experience, and more importantly, how he felt "disrespected" by the 49ers

"A lot has happened this offseason," he said in a video posted to social media teasing the episode. "I’m no longer with the 49ers. I have a new team. First off, I want to say I don’t have any animosity toward the organization, Kyle (Shanahan), John (Lynch), the York Family. I did feel extremely disrespected. They extended an offer to me."


Armstrong’s teaser video silenced the part where he mentioned what the dollar amount of the 49ers’ extended deal was. But he was clearly not happy with the price tag after how long he’s been with the organization. 

"The fans deserve to know what happened. You know, I had to make some decisions," he said. 


Armstead ended up signing a three-year pact with the Jaguars worth $51 million after not being able to find common ground with the 49ers. 

He was the No. 17 overall pick out of Oregon in the 2015 NFL Draft by San Francisco, playing 116 regular-season games where he totaled 33.5 stats, 302 combined tackles and three forced fumbles. 

His production has taken a dip in recent seasons, though. He played 12 games last season, tallying 5.0 sacks with 27 tackles, while getting time in just nine games in 2022 with no sacks on the stat sheet. Injuries stymied his availability. 

But the 30-year-old starts a new chapter with a team that isn’t totally unfamiliar. Trent Balke, the Jaguars’ GM, was in the same position in 2015 when he drafted Armstrong, so he knows the type of player he’s bringing to a defensive line that includes Josh Allen and Travon Walker. 

Meanwhile, the Bay Area will have Leonard Floyd on the defensive line now as he signed with the 49ers in free agency. Defensive tackle Maliek Collins also leaves the Houston Texans to join San Fran. 

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