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O2 deal offers Samsung Galaxy A55 for £29p/m and £50 cashback this Easter


ANDROID fans can now snag the latest Samsung mobile with a generous data bundle and added freebies.

Mobile Phones Direct is offering the all-new Samsung Galaxy A55 with 120GB of data for just £29 per month, along with £50 cashback and a free charger.

Mobile Phones Direct
You can score a brand-new Samsung handset packed with bundles of data and enjoy £50 cashback this Easter[/caption]

Samsung Galaxy A55, 120GB Data,
£29 per month (£50 cashback)

This deal comes shortly after the Galaxy A55 hit the market, and is the Korean tech giant’s way of attracting customers to its mid-range handsets.

That said, Samsung has certainly upped the ante with its newest A-series, offering a flagship-like experience without the hefty price tag.

The A55 ditches the plastic construction of its predecessor for a stylish aluminium frame and Gorilla Glass Victus+ on both the front and rear.

And in a departure from previous generations, boasts a generous 6.6-inch Super AMOLED display and 120Hz refresh rate (larger and twice as fast as the iPhone 15).

In terms of the camera department, the Samsung Galaxy A55 maintains the impressive setup seen in the A54; with a 50MP triple rear camera setup and a 13MP front camera.

The new object eraser feature is a welcome addition, and something we’ve seen in other Android handsets, allowing you to edit out any photobombers.

And to top it all off, you’ll get £50 cashback and a free charger included, which, let’s face it, isn’t something you often find in the box these days.

These bonuses are available on all Samsung A-series handsets at Mobile Phones Direct, but our top recommendation for the A54 comes on the O2 network.

For just £29 per month, you’ll get a generous 120GB data allowance, ensuring you’re covered from month to month with plenty to spare.

And that’s not all, Samsung isn’t holding back, with the Galaxy A35 dropping just days ago.

Our tech reporter, Rhys Melhado-Thompson, caught wind of an amazing deal on the Galaxy A35, getting you the new handset for £20 per month, with free earbuds on top of the £50 cashback bonus.

There’s plenty of time to ensure you don’t miss out, with the Easter cashback offer ending on April 16th, and a further month to put your claim in.

Apple fans aren’t left out of the Easter deals either, with Vodafone offering the iPhone 15 for just £32 per month with an upfront payment of £100.

Samsung Galaxy A55, 120GB Data,
£29 per month (£50 cashback)

We’re always looking out for the best deals for those shopping tech in 2024, with our top finds listed on our tech deals hub.

Discover more top deals and savings at your favourite tech retailers by heading to Sun Vouchers. Sun Vouchers is the one-stop shop where you can find hundreds of discount codes for top chains including Currys, Argos, AliExpress, Dyson and more.

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