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‘How incredibly sad’ moan punters as major pub chain with over 4,000 boozers set to close location in DAYS


A MAJOR pub chain with more than 4,000 boozers is set to close a village pub within days.

Landlord Stuart Fleming is calling time on Easter Sunday at the Nelson in Burnham Market, Norfolk.

Not known, clear with picture desk
The Nelson pub dates back to 1685[/caption]

He said the owners Stonegate Group had hiked up the lease from £55,000 to £87,000 and raised the price of beers, which he has to buy from them.

Stuart, 42, worked at the historic pub which dates back to 1685 before taking on the tenancy with his partner Pauline Royal.

He also claimed the company had refused to negotiate a reduction.

Stuart told the Eastern Daily Press: “Barrels of beer are £200 and there’s just no-one about.

“Eighty-four per cent of homes in Burnham Market are holiday homes and the locals can’t afford to drink here for £5 – £7 a pint.

“We can go some days and not see a customer until 5pm. Last summer you could walk around here and half the lights were off.

“There is a population, the residents that you depend on and they either can’t afford to go out or they sit at home and have a bottle of wine. Most people haven’t got money to spend.”

In the 2001 census, the permanent population of the village was 948 but this had dropped to 724 in the 2021 count.

The impact of second homes has sparked a fierce debate among the locals with them voting for curbs on holiday properties.

Stuart estimated he would take around £300 from his customers who would come in for a drink or a meal earlier this week on Monday.

He said the pub needed to bring in £1,500 a day in order to make a profit.

Enjoying a drink at the time was retired teacher Mary Howard, 96, who said: “I’m going to miss it. He’s welcomed the locals so much, there are senior citizens’ lunches.”

Ian, another regular said: “It’s going to be a horrible loss. It’s the only pub around here where you can sit at the bar for a start.

“It’s my favourite pub. You get the hospitality, the banter, it’s how a pub should be – and I’ve drank in a lot of pubs, believe you me.”

The Stonegate Group has put up banners advertising the vacancy.

Stuart said: “Someone else is coming to look at it, but they can’t do anything different, it’s a seasonal trade business.

“We went to Spurs football stadium in London last year and had three or four pints – it was cheaper to drink in London than it is here.”

On its website, Stonegate is advertising the Nelson for an “introductory” rent of £1,288 a week with a projected turnover of £639,269.

The advert states: “The main customer trade is made up of locals to Burnham Market and the surrounding villages and towns for its food offering.”

Anyone thinking of taking the pub on will need a deposit of £16,750 and have £5,000 in working capital.

Stuart is closing the business on Easter Sunday at 4pm.

Most of the seven staff have found other jobs.

Stuart intends to take a month off before joining another hospitality business.

The Sun Online has contacted the Stonegate Group for comment.

Records show the Nelson started life as a public house called The Mermaid in 1685.

All Saint’s Church stands opposite the pub, where Horatio Nelson’s father Edmund was the rector.

The Mermaid was renamed in tribute to Admiral Nelson in 1805, following the Battle of Trafalgar, where the navy hero was killed by a sniper as he stood on the deck of HMS Victory.

Over the next two centuries the pub had a variety of names, changing from the Admiral Nelson, to the Admiral Lord Nelson and then Lord Nelson.

When the pub changed hands it a six-year spell as the Jockey but the name was restored in 2011.

Stuart is calling time at 4pm on Easter Sunday[/caption]

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