News in English

In Your Town for April 3, 2024



Lane shifts planned
along Highway 101

Caltrans is planning a traffic shift on Highway 101 in Novato this month as part of its long-running project to widen the Marin-Sonoma Narrows.

The shift, slated to start April 11, will involve the stretch from approximately Olive Avenue to San Antonio Road, the transportation department said. Southbound traffic will be moved away from the temporary median lanes, and northbound traffic will be shifted to those lanes.

Ramps closures and work times will be announced later.


Council to review
valet parking issue

Town officials are deciding whether to revoke a permit for a valet parking service at the Caprice Restaurant.

The permit allows the restaurant, which is at 2000 Paradise Drive, to use part of the public parking lot across the street as a vehicle dropoff and pickup area, according to a town staff report. The vehicles must be parked in the private lot at Point Tiburon Plaza.

Town staffers have observed, and received complaints about, violations of the permit, the report said. The alleged violations by valets include parking vehicles at other public lots in town or denying drivers access to the public lot across from the restaurant.

“Despite staff’s repeated efforts to improve the situation, it is clear the current valet operation is not operating in accordance with the permit conditions,” the report said.

The Town Council plans to discuss potential options at its meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 3, at Town Hall.


Business panelists
granted new terms

The Town Council has reappointed Richard Burns, Javier Fernandez and Frank Gomez to the Economic Development Committee.

Their terms expired March 31, and the town received no other applications for the seats, according to a staff report by Serge Avila, the town clerk. The council made the reappointments at its meeting on March 26.

The terms on the nine-member advisory board are for three years.

According to applications filed with the town, Burns, a retiree, has lived in San Anselmo for 51 years; Fernandez, a retail and e-commerce consultant, has lived in the town for three years; and Gomez, the owner of two optical businesses, has lived in the town for eight years.


Light snow possible
at higher elevations

The forecast for the North Bay this week includes rain, colder air, possible thunderstorms and potential snow showers at higher peaks, according to the National Weather Service.

The weather pattern is expected to begin Thursday. The precipitation will taper off Friday, but colder temperatures will persist through Saturday morning, the weather service said. The temperatures could be in the middle to upper 30s.

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