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Mum leaves other parents enraged as she takes 11-year-old son into the women’s changing rooms at the swimming pool


A MUM has left other parents enraged after taking her 11-year-old son into the women’s changing rooms at the swimming pool.

The debate began on Mumsnet, when one woman took to the forum to admit she was left “very uncomfortable” when the boy “watched me get changed”.

A woman has explained how she was made to feel “really uncomfortable” when a mum took her 11-year-old son into the female changing rooms at the swimming pool[/caption]
Apparently the boy was watching the women in the communal changing area[/caption]

As there were no cubicles and only benches in the changing room, users had no choice but to get changed in the communal area.

And while she did so quickly, she was still upset by the boy’s apparent stares.

“I got in the pool and my friend saw I was a bit upset and asked why,” she continued.

But when her friend went over and spoke to the mum, the other parent “got really angry and said he was entitled to be in there, he’s only 11”.

Despite her response, the woman and her friend still thought it was inappropriate for the boy to be in the ladies changing rooms, so complained to staff at the pool.

“They were a bit horrified,” she wrote.

“Apparently, the unofficial age limit is seven.”

But the staff didn’t speak to the mum or tell her it wasn’t allowed, leaving the other woman fearing she may have overreacted.

And lots of people were on her side, with one writing: “You were right to complain.

“This is ridiculous. He should have definitely been in the male-changing areas at that age.”

“There is no reason why a male over the age of eight or nine needs to be in the female changing room, especially if there is only public changing available,” another added.

“Every pool I’ve been to has had signs up saying anyone over eight has to use the correct changing room for their sex,” a third commented.

“I thought that was an industry standard of some sort.

“Other women don’t have to just put up with this sort of thing because women like her feel entitled to make others uncomfortable by bringing in sons old enough to get themselves dressed.”

But others defended the mum, with one explaining: “While I appreciate the mum’s discomfort, I also wouldn’t be comfortable sending my son into a male changing room where I assume there would be a similar set-up with grown males and him being naked in the same space.”

However, another hit back, writing: “Of course, I would rather my nine-year-old son be in the changing room with me, but that isn’t other women’s problem.”

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