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Real Madrid legend Raul’s agent reveals world record offer from Premier League giants – but he ‘didn’t consider’ it


REAL MADRID legend Raul once received a world record offer to join Chelsea – but “didn’t consider it” as he opted to stay in Spain.

Raul, 46, is a Bernabeu legend after spending 16 years leading Real’s attack.

Chelsea tried and failed to sign Raul from Real Madrid for a then-record £70m in 2003
News Group Newspapers Ltd
Raul opted to remain at Real, going on to become their all-time appearance holder[/caption]

He won six titles and three Champions Leagues during a glittering career in the Spanish capital.

Raul is Real’s third top scorer of all time with 323 goals.

And he still holds the record for most appearances with 741 games.

However, things could have panned out differently for Raul had he jumped ship.

Seven years before his 2010 departure for Schalke, Chelsea are said to have made an offer for Raul.

In 2003, Roman Abramovich had just purchased club and was looking to make some statement signings.

Chelsea spent huge fees on stars like Hernan Crespo, Damien Duff and Juan Sebastian Veron.

And they even managed to lure superstar midfielder Claude Makelele from the Bernabeu too.


However, Chelsea also tried to sign Real teammate Raul at the same time.

According to his agent, the Blues offered a then-world record £70m for the striker.

Chelea did end up signing Raul’s teammate Claude Makelele in the same window[/caption]

But Raul, who joined Real’s academy in 1992 and is now boss of their reserves, had no interest in discussing a Stamford Bridge switch.

Gines Carvajal said in 2010: “Many English clubs asked in the past for Raul, but the only formal proposal was the one of Chelsea.

“(Then Chelsea manager Claudio) Ranieri wanted Makelele and Raul. So the same people of Chelsea who negotiated for Makelele made contact with me and Madrid.

“They offered €100 million (then a world record £70m), but Raul didn’t consider the offer because he just didn’t think of leaving Madrid.

“I believe that generally clubs know that Raul is the captain of Madrid and, as it happens with players as (Ryan) Giggs, they know that there are not many options for them to change clubs.”

Raul's career stats

Those numbers in full:

  • Real Madrid, 1994-2010: 741 games, 323 goals
  • Schalke, 2010-2012: 98 games, 40 goals
  • Al Sadd, 2012-2014: 61 games, 16 goals
  • New York Cosmos, 2015: 32 games, 9 goals
  • Spain, 1996-2006: 102 games, 44 goals
  • Trophies: LaLiga x6, Spanish Super Cup x4, Champions League x3, Uefa Super Cup, Intercontinental Cup x2 (Real Madrid); German Cup, German Super Cup (Schalke); Qatar Stars League, Emir of Qatar Cup (Al Sadd); North American Soccer League, North American Supporters’ Trophy, Soccer Bowl (New York Cosmos)

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