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Bindi Irwin’s Childhood Dream Came True When She Took Daughter Grace to This Special Place & The Video Is Pure Joy


Everyone says to “follow your dreams,” but no one tells you just how sweet it feels when they actually come true. Bindi Irwin knows firsthand what it’s like to live out your dreams, from being the CEO of Australia Zoo to carrying on the wildlife conservation legacy her dad the late Steve Irwin left her. And now, she can check another dream off the list: taking her daughter Grace Warrior to one of her favorite spots in the world.

Bindi shared a new video on Instagram that will make your face wet — and not from crocodile tears, either. In precious home videos, a kid Bindi shared one of her childhood dreams, and then she showed how she made it come true!

FREE WILLY: ESCAPE FROM PIRATE’S COVE, Bindi Irwin, 2010. ph: Joe Alblas/©Warner Premiere/Courtesy Everett Collection

“’One day I’ll be able to take my kids up there and show them.’❤️ Tasmania #flashback over the years…” Bindi captioned a photo, quoting her own big dream. The video montage shows Bindi throughout the years, exploring Tasmania in an all-red outfit, bundled up for cold weather, and more with her brother Robert Irwin and her mom Terri Irwin.

“OK, Robert’s a little tired. Bindi did well,” Terri says in one home video, panning the camera to show Bindi after a hike. “Yay, it was so fun!” Bindi responds in the video. “It was the best walk and absolutely beautiful. I can now die happy.”

“One day I’ll be able to take my kids up there and show them,” she added. “So, thank you, Mom.” Cue the waterworks! Creating memories that your kids cherish that much is everything a parent wants. And this moment meant so much to Bindi, that she actually did bring her daughter up to see the same thing.

The video fast-forwards to Bindi feeding her then-infant Grace with a bottle as her husband Chandler Powell looks on after that same hike. One moment, Grace sleeps on her dad’s chest as he admires the view, and another, time has jumped ahead and now Grace is toddling along a bridge walking the hike herself. Later, Bindi and Grace walk in the Tasmanian snow together.

Grace begins to talk as the video goes along, spotting “a tiny wallaby” on the hike and telling her mom that she is “splashing in the stream” at another point. She’s growing up with the same memories that Bindi experienced — looking exactly like her we might add — and it’s such a beautiful thing to witness.

There are so many cute moments in this video, like when a 3-year-old Bindi was convinced she stumbled upon Abraham Lincoln’s house, and we can’t help but get teary-eyed watching it. Terri apparently feels the same way, and she commented, “These are the best moments and memories in the most beautiful place in the world. So much love.❤️”

Bindi Irwin on stage for The G”Day USA Aussie Family Concert, New York City Center, New York, NY, January 20, 2007. Photo by: Kristin Callahan/Everett Collection

“Oh my – the memories of little Bindi in the spaces she now shares with Chandler and Grace, little Robert with the camera and Terri’s glowing smile with the wind gently blowing her hair – absolutely beautiful memories????❤️,” someone else commented.

Another person wrote, “So many treasured memories made in such a magical place. ????”

We melt like a puddle whenever the Irwins share old home videos or photos. For Grace’s birthday last month, Bindi shared heartwarming side-by-side photos of her daughter Grace as a tiny newborn baby compared to Grace as a big 3-year-old.

“Three years of being your mama,” Bindi wrote. “Happy Birthday to our strong, thoughtful, incredible daughter. I know you are destined for wonderful things in this world with your kind and beautiful heart.”

“Walking alongside you on your life journey, watching as you as you grow in this world, that is and will be the greatest honour of my life,” Bindi continued. “I love you for my entire existence.”

Before you go, check out all the ways Bindi Irwin’s daughter Grace is following in her mama’s footsteps.

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