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The dangerous reason you should never walk around a swimming pool barefoot on holiday


A TRAVEL expert has warned Brits why they should never walk around a swimming pool barefoot on holiday.

With just weeks to go until the first month of summer, many holidaymakers are gearing up for their annual trips to sun-soaked locations across the world.

Brits have been warned over walking around a swimming pool barefoot on holiday[/caption]

For many, having a nice pool to enjoy is the best part of the holiday, somewhere you can really kick back and relax.

But what many Brits don’t know are the potential risks you face when wandering around the pool barefoot.

While it’s something many of us have done, what we don’t know if that we could be putting ourselves at “serious” danger.

That’s according to Gabriel Miller, an expert at Gatsby Shoes, who has stressed that a leisurely poolside stroll could turn into a distressing nightmare.

Here is everything you need to know.

1. Exposure to bacteria, viruses and fungi

Swimming decks are the perfect breeding grounds for bacteria, viruses, and fungi due to their warm, moist environment.

Walking barefoot around the pool could leave you exposed to pathogens such as plantar warts, athlete’s foot, and ringworm, according to Miller.

“These organisms can easily invade small cuts or abrasions on unprotected feet, leading to uncomfortable and sometimes serious infections,” he said.

2. Slipping hazards on wet surfaces

It might be painstakingly obvious but swimming pools are notorious for trips and falls due to their slippery surfaces around the water’s edge.

Slipping on a wet surface can lead to nasty bruises and sprains, as well as fractures and broken bones.

Walking barefoot increases those chances, so Miller has advised holidaymakers to have some form of footwear on hand.

3. Cuts and scrapes from pool decks

Not all swimming pools are perfectly maintained and for one’s that are slightly older than others, they may have developed rough textures or broken tiles around the edges.

Walking barefoot means you’re more likely to pick up significant damage to your feet, which in turn puts you at risk of further infections.

Miller says: “Unexpected sharp edges on pool decks can easily cut skin, making you more susceptible to infections in a high-bacteria environment.”

How to avoid risks at the pool

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can ensure you remain as safe as possible when spending time at the pool this summer.

The first of those is to choose footwear that’s made of rubber or other waterproof materials, such as flip flops, as they provide good grip and dry quickly – reducing the risk of slips and microbial growth.

On the flip side of that, Miller suggests avoiding shoes made of cloth or mesh around the pool as these materials absorb contaminants and stay damp longer, fostering microbial growth.

The expert also strongly advises against wearing the same shoes in the pool area as you do elsewhere because “you risk spreading pathogens”.

Finally, cleaning and sanitising your pool shoes after each use increases your chances of preventing infections.

“Scrubbing them with soap and water and letting them dry completely before the next use is essential to kill any pathogens,” Miller said.

“Protecting your feet in the pool area is crucial for your health. Don’t overlook the importance of wearing appropriate shoes to safeguard against infections and injuries.”

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